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Nordstrom Retail CLI and question?

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Nordstrom Retail CLI and question?


Nov '16 approved for Nordstrom store card - SL $500

May-June (not 100% sure exactly) '17 auto CLI - $800

Sept '17 (today) called for CLI - $2000

EX 648

i also have a $400 balance currently and shop there pretty regularly, I got excited because Neimans just gave me a huge bump and wanted to test my luck with Nordstrom.


my question is: does anyone know how upgrades to the visa platinum work/if that's even possible? When I asked I was told it's not something you can ask for, you just have to wait and your account is periodically reviewed, or alternatively you can app again. I haven't seen a lot of info on the platinum version since it came out, and what I have seen is people saying they were told it will never upgrade and your only option is to re-apply. Anyone have an experience with this one?

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Regular Contributor

Re: Nordstrom Retail CLI and question?

 You have to have a spending limit of 5k on your store card before they will upgrade it to the sig visa without a inquiry. I had my store card for about two years before it reached the 5k limit. Once it did I just called the customer service and requested to upgrade my card. Very easy, no questions asked.

Message 2 of 3
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Re: Nordstrom Retail CLI and question?

Yeah, I know about the 5k for the sig, but since they brought back the platinum visa version it seems like it changed? I've been told it won't ever upgrade at one point, but when I talked to them yesterday they told me they put some new program in place earlier this year and it will eventually, but you can't request to check if your eligible and just have to wait for them to do their review?

I have a friend that was instant approved for the platinum visa at 1.5k, so I'm thinking the new platinum might have switched it up.
Message 3 of 3
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