No credit card required
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I would be upfront about the pre-qual, and see if they will compete by offering BOTH a better interest rate, and of course, an acceptable deal on the car.
I just purchased a new car on Monday. Of course, I was worried about embarassment, but I found it just wasn't a big deal (at all). They want it to work, as much as you do.
Great, thanks for the input. Will probably be upfront, hopefully it will all work out. Anyone know if those APR rates ar considered decent considering recent discharge and no credit.... ONce we get the auto loan approval, hope to see credit rebuild kick in a little....
I used them as well for my car purchase 3 months after discharge. I did tell the dealer and he ran my credit and came up with all denials except one at a rate almost twice what I got from Capital One. I feel like anything in the single digits is good that close to discharge. I got 4.24% on a 2014 Escape for 72 months with nothing down. He told me he had someone coming in later to buy at 20-some%, which has to make for an ugly car payment! I've been totally happy with them.
Thanks for making me feel better . We really need a SUV to replace our suburban, but most of the ones available on the website are former Rentals with high mileage. We'll keep looking on the site, maybe something else will pop up. Thanks for the information!