In spite of what others may tell you online, your score does not automatically go down once your bankruptcy drops off. That isnt to say that it can't happen. But it can, in fact, go up. It really depends on how you have treated credit since your bankruptcy. Although it is true that when the bankruptcy was on your record, you were being compared to others that had a bankruptcy, and now you are being compared with those who don't, (its called a scorecard) if you have rebuilt correctly and managed yourself well, once you are moved to a non-bankruptcy scorecard, you may still fair well against the non-bankruptcy crowd. While I was waiting for my bankruptcy to drop off, I read several books on credit use. I followed the advice for several years, and when my bankruptcy dropped off, my score actually jumped from 706 to 786. <Thats 80 points> So anyone that tells you that it only goes down are simply incorrect.