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THIS IS AWESOME!! I desire a new car soon and when I apped with PFed, my BK 13 was still on my credit report. The initial app was denied and then I ask to speak with someone about it. Then they offered me a certain amount that wasnt enough for the car I desire. Soon after that, they changed their credit reporting to the most reported Fico scoring. Well that def made a difference, but I ended up with 2 inquiries on my credit report for it.
Looking forward to being FREE of this last negative soon. I may have to wait one more month or so.
Many congrats on your journey!!
@Anonymous wrote:
Hoping you end up having luck. Thanks to your post, I followed thru with the TU EE request a week ago and w/in 24 hours my report was completely clean! Same for DH!
@I promptly (well 4 days later) appd for a card with RBFCU because they pull TU and was instantly approved for $25k SL @ 8.7% ....can you say what???? Awesome feeling as my highest SL thus far has been PenFed with $5K.
@luxeprw9 wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:I filed 2/21/2011 and it was to fall off in Feb of next year. I'm actually greater than 6 mos out, but that old Transunion came through for me! Someone must have had a great day today!
hmmmm, note to self, tap TU in january about an EE on my BK13 that is due to fall off 9/18
Mine are due to fall off August 2018. I will definitely be doing an EE with TU in January!
Congrats to the OP! That's fantastic!
Just an update - I followed through with asking for an early exclusion with Transunion. In less than 24 hours all negatives were removed, including my BK13!! It was due to fall off July 2018. I am so excited!! My credit score increased from 679 to 767!! Yay!!
@Anonymous @Anonymous for this thread - it was so encouraging!
@Anonymous wrote:
Aren’t EE’s the best! Thankfully the CU’s we wanted an “in” with use them. I got a $10k Navy approval too. DH got $17.5k Navy & $4.4k Uber approval today with a clean report. Still waiting on Navy.
My TU score ended up being 750 after the EE. It’ll probably drop a bit with the new cards.
Yes!! I just wish Equifax and Experian allowed a 6 month EE. Just for kicks, I did dispute Equifax yesterday as well. Fingers crossed that they have mercy on me! (Not holding my breathe though) LOL!
I am only seeking credit limit increases, I don't need/want any more accounts. BOA uses Transunion for CLI and they increased by limit from $500 to $2,300. I was hoping for more but it's a start! They hard pull so I'll try again in 6 months or so. I now have a total of 6 inquiries on Transunion. Two will fall off at the end of the year. I like to keep my inquiries as low as possible.
Well....Equifax went and done it.
THEY DELETED MY BK 13! It was due to fall off next month on the 11th!
This has been a long road and one I pray that I will never have to go down ever again! For those who are dealing with bankruptcy, hang in there! Hard times for a moment can bring you your credit goals at the end of the rainbow!
All my credit reports are clear now. I disputed my BK on Equifax back to back, meaning everytime I got a not, I would dispute it again. I also want to say I did not dispute the validity, but was asking for Early Exclusion. Every answer came back, "this information is correct and will remail on your report."
Well whether it came off because its one month before the due date or someone made the decision, I am happy! I will be toasting to a new life this season! Happy New Year Everyone!
Question: Is it 6 months from the file date or the discharge date?
@Anonymous wrote:
It’s 6 months from the date it’s due to fall off. Typically would be 2 years after DC, if you completed a full 5 year 13 repayment. We had to change our status after we filed so we got our TU EE 9 months after discharge. If you pull your free credit reports (1x/year) it’ll show when things are due to falloff
Thanks! I will have to double check. If I remember correctly the discharge was 6/6/2017. So that would mean I could ask for an early exclusion at 1/6/2019?
wrote:Question: Is it 6 months from the file date or the discharge date?
It's 6 months from filed date for TU.