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Hi everyone,
I'm about 4.5 months out of a Chapter 7 BK, discharged 9/2017. My credit scores are hovering around 620. I was approved for a finger hut ($300), Starcard ($4200), Capital one Platinum ($600), and Capital One quicksilver ($1,000). I am having trouble getting approved for a personal loan to help widen my credit available as I've heard it helps boost your score. I've tried a few credit unions in my area with no luck. I burned NFCU and USAA, so no help there. I did not reaffirm on my car, but have been paying on it and still have it. Is it better to get a new car loan to help my score, or wait a bit and apply for a personal loan again? Thank you!
How long has it been since your last line of credit approval? You may need to stop applying and focus on utilizing your current credit.
I was just approved for quicksilver today, as I was trying to at least get 3 lines of regular credit cards. So just stop everything for a number of months and try again closer to the one year mark for the loan?
You might want to consider Self Lender. It's a secured personal loan program for credit building/rebuilding purpose. They don't do any credit check (no HP) and it's a simple 10 minutes or so process to get approved.