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I think its like everything else in this credit score journey. Very little makes TOTAL sense. Every persons situation is different, and lets not forget about the ease of lying on the internet. Someone said they are 740 1 year post BK? Who says its even true? But lets say it is, theres no way to battle the why him/why not me argument. Because thats all in details none of us know.
I am 5 months post BK -7 and my scores are 640, 627, 622. Someone else who is 5 months is higher, and another person is lower. Its all details.
Id focus on your scores and your goals and ignore what is around you.
Well let`s see if I can enlighten you. People have hicups in life at times and as mentioned every profile is different. This profile may have had issues that would not go away no matter what they did such as an upside down mortgage; unemployment; a failed business etc. I think you get the point!!. This was a way to clean the slate and begin anew. Let`s say a new job was taken or the chance to drop off a bad mortgage was given, all of this refreshed life could lead to a new thought pattern on credit. This is what bankruptcies do for people at all stages in their life. Now after reading these FICO forums gives the chance to move your credit forward at a remarkable pace. However, I must also say that some people will not file no matter their situation and will struggle to pull together their credit out of the dungeon which is okay but we must not argue another's profile because we do not know where that profile is in life and also the laws on bankruptcy are written for exactly these purposes. Sometimes in life the choice to file or not to file is stressful.