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Received an email for $300.00 SUB (with offer code) on Chase Biz Banking.
(I already have a Biz account for other LLC)
So I decided to go for the $300.00 (LLC #2)
Let me sign up online, without going into a physical branch.
Did not request to upload any Biz Doc's. (usually you have to go into a physical branch W/Documents.
It was a pretty simple process. I will go in person and fund the account today.
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I am curious...since you mentioned having another Chase Bus Checking....while I'm sure the verbiage is you know or have seen the same sort of "offers for you" like on the personal side with Green/Black Stars and preapprovals? I know people on the personal side talk about them but I've never noticed on the business side. I have a "just for you" though never received an offer so perhaps the reason isn't it doesn't may not just happen for me?
@cashorcharge, Yes ..They do happen, I have had them on the Biz side.
What triggers them, I have absolutely no idea?
Have had green and black Pre-Approved offers on the personal side.
Can happen over 5/24.
For Biz. ... if you do not get "Already Approved offers" ..
You can go in and speak to a "BRM" (Business Relationship Manager).
Thanks for clarifying @M_Smart007
Congrats @M_Smart007 Nice move
@M_Smart007 wrote:Received an email for $300.00 SUB (with offer code) on Chase Biz Banking.
(I already have a Biz account for other LLC)
So I decided to go for the $300.00 (LLC #2)
Let me sign up online, without going into a physical branch.
Did not request to upload any Biz Doc's. (usually you have to go into a physical branch W/Documents.
It was a pretty simple process. I will go in person and fund the account today.
Nice! I just went in branch to get mine setup today. We'll see how 2022 goes.