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Was starting to run low on AA miles only about 50k left and since Barclay is leaving the scene have the free card with them after downgrading once collecting bonus after 1st yearI needed a new AA card and restock of miles but didn't want a new account on my personal credit due to going for an INK card in a few months for another bonus so opted for business/hidden TL. Wasn't elevated offer was 65k miles @ 4k spend. Have to pay some taxes coming up that I owe so pretty easy to meet bonus as owe about 2500 then some small spend will take care of rest. I was pretty happy with approval was thinking about 5k approval due to Citi exposure even though this is a business card still PG'ed. Before exposure with citi was 65k with this card it puts me at 85k exposure with Citi Less than Chase/Amex but decent none the less. Stats at time EQ 08 was around 838 I believe 4/24 inquires on report 1 inquiry on EQ in last year for auto loan financing and whom they pulled. Any other data points feel free to ask used SSN vs EIN. Any other information feel free to ask.
Very nice SL and DPs, congratulations on your new approval!
Nicely done!!! Congratulations on your Citi AA Approval!!👏🏼🍾🥂
a citi limit ending in a nice clean number
congrats!! really nice CL