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I recently applied, and was approved, for a Citizens BLOC with nothing more than a soft pull and 3 biz bank statements. This is about as ideal as it gets! Are there any other known banks or CUs that do either a SP for approval, use bank statements as their sole required docs, or, like Citizens, do both? I thought I remembered reading that PNC has similar underwriting for their BLOCs, but I can't seem to find it.
@TeenWolf wrote:I recently applied, and was approved, for a Citizens BLOC with nothing more than a soft pull and 3 biz bank statements. This is about as ideal as it gets! Are there any other known banks or CUs that do either a SP for approval, use bank statements as their sole required docs, or, like Citizens, do both? I thought I remembered reading that PNC has similar underwriting for their BLOCs, but I can't seem to find it.
Yes, there are the new fintech banks that will lend (charge cards) solely based on EIN, income statements, bank statements, bank account links and never pulls your credit:
Divvy, Brex, Capital On Tap, Torpago, Rho, Kleer, Corpay.....
Thanks, @4sallypat! Of the ones you listed, it appears Capital On Tap is the only option for carrying a balance longer than 30 days😢
Do you know of any other banks or credit unions that do either a soft pull or use bank statements for approval of their LOCs/BLOCs?
Grats on the approval. Where did you applay for the BLOC via SP, just hitting apply now on their website and was a soft pull? I have the Citizens business credit card and that was soft but did not know the BLOC was SP.
I'm buying a new house this year and want that BLOC but do not even want a whiff of a chance of a HP and scared to hit that Apply Now button without a hug 1st and some SP re-assurance lol.
Thanks, @TryItAgain!
I opened up a Citizens Biz credit card about a year ago, and that was a SP for me as well. I can confirm, in my case anyway, that the BLOC was a SP.
You can see why I'm foaming at the mouth to find more lenders like this!
@TeenWolf wrote:Thanks, @TryItAgain!
I opened up a Citizens Biz credit card about a year ago, and that was a SP for me as well. I can confirm, in my case anyway, that the BLOC was a SP.
You can see why I'm foaming at the mouth to find more lenders like this!
Thanks for the response. Was that from hitting the standard apply now button on their BLOC page or from an invite another way?
Standard "Apply Now" button.
Awesome thanks!
Could you supply DP's? Interest rate, limit, documents requested? Am seriously considering this one, but after the long wait time for the CC would like to know if it's worthwhile.