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Keep the Classic and use it for six months them apply for the Plus. Milk both sign up bonuses! You have 0% for 6 months and you don't get that on the Plus. You do get travel partner transfers with the Plus you don't get with the Classic. All business owners should have a Cash or Classic in addition to a Plus (and a Bold) for maximum reward opportunities.
just an update. went ahead and reapplied for the plus. it was not a possibility for me to product change. i called in to business lending and was basixally stonewalled lol. i can understand why too, so i wasnt even phased. im gonna age the classic and follow the census to get the plus AFTER i get the bonus and utilize the 0% intro apr.
@Anonymous wrote:
i want to bump this up cause i have a question. i signed the ink classic up for online banking and noticed the rewards are ultimate rewards. i thought ink classic did not have ultimate rewards? to my understanding it was ink plus, ink bold and csp with the ability to link other cards to ultimate rewards. can i get some clarification?
for reference. i do not have a plus, bold, or csp. i have hyatt, chase militarystar, and ink classic.
Every Chase card that isn't branded with something else has Ultimate Rewards. It's jsut those few you mentioned that can trasnfer to hotel or airline partners.