No credit card required
Browse credit cards from a variety of issuers to see if there's a better card for you.
I purchased "Quicken" and listed all of the debt, income, fixed debt - ex: telephone etc., food. This program also downloads from my bank savings and checking. It also balance my check book daily. Also, it works with Turbo Tax. You are able to complete your own tax return based on the information you have set up in "Quicken".
Buy the Official Guide to Quicken first and read it you won't be disappointed. Best of luck to you!
1. paying down my CC debt (almost there!), so we can start paying on my gf's cards.
2. eating at home. we ate out way too much, which was fattening us up but emptying our pockets.
3. put $1000 of our tax return into savings, resisting temptations to spend frivolously.
4. keeping our car maintained so that we can try to avoid big repair bills.
5. getting back into couponing & paying more attention to sales, like we used to.