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So as you all know we love good pre approvals. and after Jan 1, it's to the garden for me for at least another 9 more months.
I happen to come across how generous Jovia as a Credit Union around the NY area is.. and I thought I was seeing that their credit cards were open for any and everyone to apply and get approved for regardless of membership status...
so I hit apply now... and they did the thing where they prequalify you.. I got pre qualified for 15k on the Visa Advantage which could help me with a 1% bt fee and 2.99% APR for 12 months. I got about 6-9k I could transfer, so I went through with it... then before the app is completed, I get an alert that they've hit my TU which now has 17 inquiries( my all time record so I'm sad now - took a xanny to calm down because I'm SOOO CLOSE to 700!).
Anyway so the last box of the app (even after they've already pulled my credit asks if I know any members in the credit union or something like that basically making it seem like I have to be a member.
I'm not a member of the credit union. Am I screwed and did I waste an inquiry?
ugh I went and froze Experian and Eq. and my temp lift on TU expires tomorrow but I do have like 5 inquiries falling off between now and Feb alone.
Do you have to be a member at Jovia to get the credit cards? Nothing every was mentioned or stated to that effect with them. I remember one time USAA approved me for a card without mentioning the requirements for military or what not and approved me for a lousy 1000 which I canceled and closed and got it all erased from my credit.
Ive also read sometimes folks wont hear from Jovia for weeks and then show up with a 20k credit card lol I have no way of checking anything at this point. I know it's just a few points on my score, but sheesh. Tell me if I have to be a member before I waste time. offf. 15k CL with the BT offer would be nice for my util and saving on a little interest (even if I already have a plan to pay all my cc debt down to 10% util)
@youngandcreditwrthy wrote:So as you all know we love good pre approvals. and after Jan 1, it's to the garden for me for at least another 9 more months.
I happen to come across how generous Jovia as a Credit Union around the NY area is.. and I thought I was seeing that their credit cards were open for any and everyone to apply and get approved for regardless of membership status...
so I hit apply now... and they did the thing where they prequalify you.. I got pre qualified for 15k on the Visa Advantage which could help me with a 1% bt fee and 2.99% APR for 12 months. I got about 6-9k I could transfer, so I went through with it... then before the app is completed, I get an alert that they've hit my TU which now has 17 inquiries( my all time record so I'm sad now - took a xanny to calm down because I'm SOOO CLOSE to 700!).
Anyway so the last box of the app (even after they've already pulled my credit asks if I know any members in the credit union or something like that basically making it seem like I have to be a member.
I'm not a member of the credit union. Am I screwed and did I waste an inquiry?
ugh I went and froze Experian and Eq. and my temp lift on TU expires tomorrow but I do have like 5 inquiries falling off between now and Feb alone.
Do you have to be a member at Jovia to get the credit cards? Nothing every was mentioned or stated to that effect with them. I remember one time USAA approved me for a card without mentioning the requirements for military or what not and approved me for a lousy 1000 which I canceled and closed and got it all erased from my credit.
Ive also read sometimes folks wont hear from Jovia for weeks and then show up with a 20k credit card lol I have no way of checking anything at this point. I know it's just a few points on my score, but sheesh. Tell me if I have to be a member before I waste time. offf. 15k CL with the BT offer would be nice for my util and saving on a little interest (even if I already have a plan to pay all my cc debt down to 10% util)
Jovia has changed the membership criteria. You may want to give them a call to see if you even qualify for membership, Once that is sorted, credit card will then be processed.
@OCONUS Thanks yeah I'm planning to tomorrow. I just wish it was clear. They prequalified me even? 15k with 17.99% apr on any of their cards and on a car loan for 6.19% to refi from MBFS.
at least they should recognize I'm not in their area and not run a hard credit pull. They hard pulled TU causing me to go and go lock the rest within minutes!
thanks again. anyone else?
@youngandcreditwrthy The link below is the membership criteria for Jovia
If your in doubt call them.
If not you will need to find a different CU. Here is a link that might assist you with that
Use either the first or the third option
@AndySoCal Thanks. I'm a little miffed because it added another inq to my TU which is now sitting at 17 inq ( with five falling off in the next 1-2 months luckily)...
I saw all the approvals on here that did not require membership and then they even prequal'ed me..
While yes, I should do my due diligence (and I am very good at that, it's what I do for a living FFS) however, Jovia.... should have seen when I put my address and seen that I didn't qualify and told me no, you are not eligible.. not ask me at the last minute how I'm a member...
I was one screen away from being instantly approved for a 15k cl with 17.99%. Something I could use. I think it has a 0% offer too. or like 2.99...the details even went so far as to say that bc my profile is alittle riskier I'd pay a 1% bt fee.
I either need to get the inq removed or somehow get them to approve my card. Lindsay Lohan is from Long Island, maybe she can be my sponsor?
what entails being a sponsor? anyone on here willing to be a sponsor? I'm sure there's a referral fee. lol
I make six figures and am a solid gent!
if you applied before they removed the OOS loophole/organization thing that allowed nationwide membership, I would argue my case that you should be allowed in based on that alone, when did you apply?
@youngandcreditwrthy A sponsor per the membership page in my link is family member who already a member.
TBH, I'm confused too by Jovia.
I joined within the last few months. I split my time between Los Angeles and New York. My primary address is in LA, and my alternate address is on Long Island in NY. Both appear on my credit reports.
When applying, I saw the eligibilty requirements, and applied with my Long Island address which is within their eligibilty area. Jovia denied the application. I immediately resubmitted the application with my Los Angeles address. I was approved.
I'm not complaining. I'm just confused.
@Jeffster1 wrote:TBH, I'm confused too by Jovia.
I joined within the last few months. I split my time between Los Angeles and New York. My primary address is in LA, and my alternate address is on Long Island in NY. Both appear on my credit reports.
When applying, I saw the eligibilty requirements, and applied with my Long Island address which is within their eligibilty area. Jovia denied the application. I immediately resubmitted the application with my Los Angeles address. I was approved.
I'm not complaining. I'm just confused.
Did you have your innovis on ice when you applied?
I have a theory that their Qualifile system supplements the Chexs with LN and Innovis. I was intially denied because LN was frozen.I then thawed a re-ran the application. It still came back with AAN. I finally deiced innovis and it was good to go instantly.
The reason I am saying this is because unlike other CRA, I found that on my innovis, it seems to keep only the active address.
Since LA is your actual address, their qualifile may have had a faster validation on that address. They do not pull TU for membership unless one adds or tries to pre-approve for their credit product.