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A week or two ago, I got a note in the mai saying I was pre-approved for the Trio. So I append online with my special pre-approval number and got a message thanking me for applying and saying I can complete balanced transfers once I receive my card. It did not explicitly say I was approved or give me a SL but that sure sounds like an approval to me. Yet I still haven't gotten a card or even so much as an e-mail from them. But I did get another pre-approval mailer like the one I apped from before. What is going on...why would they send me another pre-approval notice whenI've already supposedly just been approved for that card. Are they just slow? Or is it possible my approval did NOT go through before?
I got my "price you pay for credit" notice telling me my TransUnion credit score was 770. I also got my card...I was approved for a $6,500 SL with a 17.49% APR. So all turned out well.
@Bandit5160 since approved locking this thread. Feel free to share your approval in the approval section with relevant information if you would like. Congrats.