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Clock struck midnight, and I requested a CLI for my BCE from $10, 500 to $25,000 and was approved. Didn't want to submit acces to 4506-t for a another few years after I have a history at larger income ( I had a $40,000 jump in icome last year and wan't to be able to show it's not just a one year thing) anyways, don't really need much more on it. Now I have over $50,000 in credit card limits, even if I decide to close disco after the cash back year is over ( turns out rotating catagories is not for me, espallialy if I am stuck at a low Cl.) I guess I am on a roll, this is my 3rd CLI in the last 30 days.
Congratulations on your CLI!
Actually you could have gone higher w/o 4506 popping up depending on the age of your account of course. 34.5-35K is usually where newer accounts start prompting for additional info. Even then you can back down the requested amount until it approves. Most bump down in 1K increments and some hit 35K and then only request 5K bumps every 6 months w/ no prompts for a 4506.
Congrats OP!!! Great success there. BTW, nice name!
A great CLI, congrats on the bump!
CONGRATS @Andypanda on your AWESOME AmEx BCE CLI and Joining the $50,000 Club!!!