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Heck yeah, congrats on the new cards! I read the subject of this post and thought of the Amex 3x SP CLI... If you don't already know about that, definitely check that out for your new Amex cards!
@Anonymous wrote:Heck yeah, congrats on the new cards! I read the subject of this post and thought of the Amex 3x SP CLI... If you don't already know about that, definitely check that out for your new Amex cards!
Yes sir I know it hit me after I posted too lol. Thanks for the tip I'll be sure to tap it when the time comes as these are my first AMEX revolvers. Thanks again!
@CreditInspired wrote:
WooHoo for you. What an excellent pull. Congratulations.
Thanks CreditInspired!
Way to go! Like you, I travel a lot and have the Platinum, SPG Luxury, and Hilton Aspire cards.
Because I already had AMEX cards, they also relied only on a SP to give me each of these cards. AMEX is terrific that way!
I wish other lenders would take a page from AMEX and make better use of the monthly SPs they do. After all, isn't the information lenders obtain from a SP identical to that of a HP?
@Anonymous wrote:
Those SPG and Hilton Honors SUBs are the bomb. Got many a free night this past year traveling. Including a couple in Ireland 🇮🇪
Agreed. I actually had a SPG mailer I was saving so was able to get 150,000 for $5,000 spend instead of 75,000. Taking a trip to Italy next summer to see family so hopefully with the right transfer it'll be First class round trip we shall see.
@ridgebackpilot wrote:Way to go! Like you, I travel a lot and have the Platinum, SPG Luxury, and Hilton Aspire cards.
Because I already had AMEX cards, they also relied only on a SP to give me each of these cards. AMEX is terrific that way!
I wish other lenders would take a page from AMEX and make better use of the monthly SPs they do. After all, isn't the information lenders obtain from a SP identical to that of a HP?
Thanks ridgebackpilot! Yeah I figured it would be worth it. I do spread sheets for everything these days and doing the cost analysis even on the extreme conservative side I was coming out way ahead of the AF's on all. Super excited and I agree completely wish all issuers would follow Amex's beat. Just doesn't make sense especially with Chase.