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@Anonymous wrote:Congrats on your sweet increase!!
What is a 4506? I'm new to AMEX. Thanks!
It's an IRS form asking for tax records.
That font is a bit jarring. Not enough coffee.
I promise this will be the last conversation about this CL for a long while. As I said in the update to the original post: I guess the $18k was just an auto CLI because now I've got $25k or pretty close to it.
This makes it my biggest personal TL.
Sorry for the large type just me having fun. Ty for the info.
@Anonymous wrote:I promise this will be the last conversation about this CL for a long while. As I said in the update to the original post: I guess the $18k was just an auto CLI because now I've got $25k or pretty close to it.
This makes it my biggest personal TL.
Sweet CLI! If you're concerned, I would give them a call.