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BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

Established Member

BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

New to myfico so bare with me on this post until I figure out what I'm doing. But I HAD to share this, it couldn't wait! **Also want to mention I have 1% DTI ratio, 3 years banking with them, no negatives on my CR, fairly good score & I don't CLI or request cards but every 3 yrs. That & my income I'm sure play a factor


I've had a checking acct & 1 CC with $1k limit for 3 yrs with no auto increases. When I researched that they'd only pull TU, I figured why not? I have been gardening for 3yrs. According to myfico I had 748 TU. So I applied for what I intended to be a CLI on the BCU website last night. I was instantly approved for $12,500! (Unbeknownst to me the system took it as an app for a new CC, until the bank called this morning to finalize amounts.) Well since BCU only uses the same singular pull for all apps within 30days of the HP, I went ahead & applied for a PLOC for $12k & was instantly approved!! I'm thinking ok, 2 for 2, might as well go for 3 as I was already shopping around for a car. So I applied for the auto loan, ALSO instantly approved for $50k at 4.49%!!


When the loan officer called me to finalize these accounts, I asked if he could request more. I asked for $20k on PLOC at 8% - approved! $10k on CC - they approved for $12,500 for 14%! I mentioned that I had initially only requested a CLI which isn't how it came over, he's requesting it & I should hear back tomorrow.


Also a point worth mentioning myfico & BCU app shows my CS 748 TU. He said they pull TU vantage score & it was only 718. The CR said available credit on open accounts is too low. I'm at 9% utilization. Also said I have recent delinquent or derogatory status. I do not. Why the scores are so vast. But excellent spree!


Since I've already started might as well shoot for the moon! I'd like to add more cards to my profile that have great reputations. What are your suggestions??? I was looking at Amex, CSP, (pre-qualified) & BoA. Thoughts?? (No cap1, they've never upped my limit & if it wasn't my 2nd oldest card I'd close it.) 


AaoA 4y4m/10 CC, total CL $13,850, 9%UTL/1PLOC, $500/Income $98k

TU:748 EX:709 EQ: 730 




Message 1 of 15

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

Talk about getting the most mileage you can out of a hard pull, sheesh! Congrats on all your approvals, OP, and let's hope your CU doesn't become the MF FOTM, cause that would suck!

Message 2 of 15
Senior Contributor

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

Congrats on your Baxter Credit Union approvals and awesome spree!!! Smiley Wink

Starting FICO 8 Score in 06/2019: EQ-625, TU-649, EX-640
Current FICO 8 Score in 06/2021: EQ-796, TU-806, EX-812
Goal FICO 8 Score in 06/2022: EQ-825, TU-850, EX-850
Message 3 of 15
Valued Contributor

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

@Phoenix21 wrote:

New to myfico so bare with me on this post until I figure out what I'm doing. But I HAD to share this, it couldn't wait! There's not much info here on Baxter Credit Union (BCU) but they are pretty great!


I've had a checking acct & 1 CC with $1k limit for 3 yrs with no auto increases. When I researched that they'd only pull TU, I figured why not? I have been gardening for 3yrs. According to myfico I had 748 TU. So I applied for what I intended to be a CLI on the BCU website last night. I was instantly approved for $12,500! (Unbeknownst to me the system took it as an app for a new CC, until the bank called this morning to finalize amounts.) Well since BCU only uses the same singular pull for all apps within 30days of the HP, I went ahead & applied for a PLOC for $12k & was instantly approved!! I'm thinking ok, 2 for 2, might as well go for 3 as I was already shopping around for a car. So I applied for the auto loan, ALSO instantly approved for $50k at 4.49%!!


When the loan officer called me to finalize these accounts, I asked if he could request more. I asked for $20k on PLOC at 8% - approved! $10k on CC - they approved for $12,500 for 14%! I mentioned that I had initially only requested a CLI which isn't how it came over, he's requesting it & I should hear back tomorrow.


Also a point worth mentioning myfico & BCU app shows my CS 748 TU. He said they pull TU vantage score & it was only 718. The CR said available credit on open accounts is too low. I'm at 9% utilization. Also said I have recent delinquent or derogatory status. I do not. Why the scores are so vast. But excellent spree!


Since I've already started might as well shoot for the moon! I'd like to add more cards to my profile that have great reputations. What are your suggestions??? I was looking at Amex, CSP, (pre-qualified) & BoA. Thoughts?? (No cap1, they've never upped my limit & if it wasn't my 2nd oldest card I'd close it.) 


AaoA 4y4m/10 CC, total CL $13,850, 9%UTL/1PLOC, $500/Income $98k

TU:748 EX:709 EQ: 730 




Were u asked for any kind of POI?

Message 4 of 15
Senior Contributor

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

First, @Phoenix21 , Welcome to Myfico!!!


Following that I wish to share a bit while recognizing a few things.

1.  Your story sounds like a CLI gone haywire - I mean this in a good/massively great way.   Awesome post to read and thank you for sharing data points.


2.   If you have been 📚 reading/lurking around these boards for quite some time then I tip my hat to you for being able to garden for such lengthy time period.  IME it is not small feat to accomplish when constantly reading so many approvals and great stories.


3.  I am looking forward to the loan officers' follow-up response to your initial CLI request while knowing the CU given these other approval! - this is great!


4.   A Big Congratulations on all of your approvals!   Screenshot_20200818-090608.jpg



‎07-25-2022 11:48 PM By: Phoenix21     
Re: Chase Sapphire Preferred Approved!

I'm showing "already approved" for CSP but I don't have FF or FU cards. I wanted a higher limit card, does it make sense for me to bother if I don't have the other 2?  (They are not required but see down thread for my shared opinions)  I don't want a pull till it's going to give me more then 5k.  (Your profile has positive attributes.  By glancing at your DPs of total credit limit # of CCs I would not assume you already have a single CC with a $5K limit and that MAY be something Chase will look for if they get to review your credit files.)

Message 29 of 34   

Also a point worth mentioning myfico & BCU app shows my CS 748 (This may be your Fico score) TU. He said they pull TU vantage score & it was only 718. (This could be your mortgage Fico score.  Many CUs do utilize this version of Fico.  Tu alone has many different version as you can notice within the MyFico app)  The CR said available credit on open accounts is too low.  (After hearing this, I personally would zero out most of my CC account balances, 7 to 9 of them [*not all 10] before continuing or starting another spree - doing so will increase your scores and address available credit.)  I'm at 9% utilization. Also said I have recent delinquent or derogatory status. I do not. Why the scores are so vast.  (possibly different version of the scores as well as being an older snapshot of them - maybe a month or two old.)  But excellent spree!


Since I've already started might as well shoot for the moon! I'd like to add more cards to my profile that have great reputations. What are your suggestions??? I was looking at Amex, CSP, (pre-qualified) & BoA. Thoughts?? (No cap1, they've never upped my limit & if it wasn't my 2nd oldest card I'd close it.) 

IMHO, If you wish to add a few more cards, especially the Chase CSP as you have indicated in your first post to these boards, I would be weary adding too many revolving accounts immediately before and or after apping with them - 🤔 Right now you have been approved for a new CU CC and a PLOC so that should count as 2 new revovlers - thus is fine.    

Choose 2 of the cards that has your interest, that will a benefit for you to used them you based on how and where you spend your funds.  Try not to choose a card based solely on its reputation or that of the FI.



AaoA 4y4m/10 CC, total CL $13,850, 9%UTL/1PLOC, $500/Income $98k

TU:748 EX:709 EQ: 730 

 How is your DTI?   These DPs look great.  As I expressed above,  Brining a few more of the CC account to a $0 balance can only make these better!  👍
I believe this post is long enough.  Best of luck to you for your upcoming apps!






Message 5 of 15
Established Member

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!


**UPDATE** CLI of $9k = total CL $10k for simply visa.


I have been w chase over 5 yrs, I bank w them & have cards. CF $1k CL, Amazon $500 CL (haven't asked for CLI)

DTI: 1%. Used an online calculator lol monthly PMTs $1700 (rent, car,cc) monthly income $8166 pretax. All loans pd except auto $10k remaining. 

$1,200 CC debt currently. 

I do have a CC w CL of $5,350. 

I waited so long bc I bought a house flipped & sold & both dropped my score significantly.

I will add more chase bc they have been great to work with! I just didn't understand how the CSP paired w CFU maximized points & that was the purpose, to have both. 

I'd like to add chase & another before gardening again. My newest card was 3 yrs ago. 


Think I answered most the questions sorry if I missed some. Thanks!! 

Message 6 of 15
Established Member

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

@Janneman I was not asked this time for POI. I was asked initially when I opened my accounts 3 years ago, my credit was low. My sister did not get asked for POI & was given $5k SL, her credit was 720+. Hope that helps.

Message 7 of 15
Senior Contributor

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

@Phoenix21 wrote:


**UPDATE** CLI of $9k = total CL $10k for simply visa.


I have been w chase over 5 yrs, I bank w them & have cards. CF $1k CL, Amazon $500 CL (haven't asked for CLI)

DTI: 1%. Used an online calculator lol monthly PMTs $1700 (rent, car,cc) monthly income $8166 pretax. All loans pd except auto $10k remaining. 

$1,200 CC debt currently. 

I do have a CC w CL of $5,350. 

I waited so long bc I bought a house flipped & sold & both dropped my score significantly.

I will add more chase bc they have been great to work with! I just didn't understand how the CSP paired w CFU maximized points & that was the purpose, to have both. 

I'd like to add chase & another before gardening again. My newest card was 3 yrs ago. 


Think I answered most the questions sorry if I missed some. Thanks!! 

Thanks! 😊 

Your data/stats look really great!

The CSP has the ability to accumulated Chase UR point moved from the Freedom line of cards to the CSP.  After having them transfered over, which only takes minutes in my experience, these UR points can be redeemed at a higher value per point in comparison to the solely redeeming them on their original Freedom card.


Since your are currently vested in the UR Ecosystem with 2 cards I would grab a Sapphire.  I assume you are able to envision the benefits

it could bring to you.  

I may be out of date/touch expressing the following - before applying I would search for prequals on the web through incognito mode and or inquire at a branch about an increased SUB, for potentially add value.


I like AmEx and BoA although I have no credit products with either as of yet.   Several months ago I began building my relationship with AmEx via a saving account and a CD.  For the past 2.5 years I have noticed they SP my credit reports more than a few time each year, so they have DPs about my profile.


I like USBank and some of there CC products.  Currently your inquiry count is 1/24.  This particular FI is highly sensitiveto credit seeking attributes.   Also Elan Finacial has the Max Cash Perffered CC that many members dicuss on these boards.   Aim_High started a tread that contains a great deal of information.  I recommend that you at least glance through it.


I think you asked for suggestions so there you have a few options to ponder that may fit your spending/lifestyle.


Message 8 of 15
Valued Contributor

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

@Phoenix21 wrote:

@Janneman I was not asked this time for POI. I was asked initially when I opened my accounts 3 years ago, my credit was low. My sister did not get asked for POI & was given $5k SL, her credit was 720+. Hope that helps.

tnx... just wonder why some CUs ask for POI just to become a member or having a deposit account.. what if one doesnt work and lives on saving or have SSI??? I really dont understand this though...

Message 9 of 15
Senior Contributor

Re: BCU CLI turned app spree - approved for PLOC, CC, Auto & CLI. 1 HP!!

Congrats on your BCU approvals & CLI

Message 10 of 15
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