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Thanks work n progress2,
Do you know if those were hard pulls?
This is FANTASTIC , congrats on your amazing CLI, BOA is showing love nowadays ,,,!
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:
Mia I was tryna get like you and Saleen..
I know this isn't a competition, but that $50 sure looks nice ... and I'm sure it's a great feeling too. . I'll get there. It still feels good at $47,500.
I also have the Virgin America card and just waiting to see what happens with it next year.
$47.5K is a very impressive CL on a single card. I am sure you will get it in 6 months
I don't know what is going to happen with Virgin America, but I hope BOA take over so I can get another 50K. When Elan take over, BOA will no longer be in my portfolio.
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:After seeing all of the BOA Cli's lately, I decided it was my turn to push the luv button. I requested $50k and it came
@back @ $47,500. The button was still showing so i pressed it again and got 7-10 day message. Last cli was Dec. 2015
Figured I'd leave It alone for now. I'll try again in 2017 sometime.
Congratulations!...Thanks For Sharing.
Congrats on that awesome limit!!!
Awesome limit! So close to the 50k you wanted... Well if virgin america ever gets bought out and goes to bofa thre is the rst of if there for you
. Or just more time as well