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My credit limit was $7K i didn't wan't to risk getting denied for a new account with Sir Barclay's they are Inq and new account sensitive. Called them up spoke with credit anylast for 5 mins i asked for a new limit of 25K approved for full amount. I didn't wan't to pile up the accounts because i believe i have a pending BBVA Compass approval in the works. And i'm going for a Chase CSR later this year currently with the BBVA approval 3/24 so u guys understand. Data points it cost a HP TU Fico 08 790 with this one 17 Inqs one new account in almost a year auto lease for DW in Feb.
Great CLI. Nice work.
Congrats on monster CLi !!!!
Boom! Monster CLI!! Congrats!
CONGRATS @bigpoppa09 on the LEGENDARY CLI!!!