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@practical1 wrote:Congrats! Good job convincing the underwriter to reconsider. (I see you read my 2021 post about how difficult that can be!).
More good news.... it seems that the pendulum might be swinging back towards Barclays... some months ago, not only did I receive an offer for a $20K interest-free cash advance on my AA Silver MasterCard for 9 months-- but I was also able to secure an online CLI from $28K to $35K without any issues. Needless to say, I took advantage of this "too good to be true offer."
So, sometimes in the long run, it pays to put up with their nonsense. You never know when they might be hurting for business and run this kind of special offer....
Best of luck and enjoy the AA miles -- while they're still worth something. You might get at least one trip out of the initial bonus points -- if you act quickly, before American eliminates their Awards Mileage Chart altogether (which, I hear, is expected to happen within days or a few weeks).
Congratulations on the successful recon and efforts. You're so right that sometimes it's worth putting up with the nonsense for a good outcome. Good for you 😊
Great job!
That's great!! Congratulations on your Barclays approval!!🎉🍾🥂
@LADave wrote:
@practical1 wrote:I don't remember exactly how long it took for the initial miles to post, but at the time, it seemed rather quick after they were earned. My suggestion is that if you have the means and need to spend enough to qualify right away, that you do so ASAP during the first billing period, so that you are most likely to get the points as early as you can.
Generally, I find that AA posts miles earned from Barclay's cards within a day or so of the closing date of each month's card statement date. I just checked my AA Account -- the posting date listed for each of my AA cards is the actual closing date (although I wouldn't swear that the points show up on that date). I doubt that you can get the points earlier -- but you might (...and this could be wishful thinking) be able to book award travel with pending miles over the phone --- IF you can deal with an unusually cooperative agent. Of course, it would help to be Executive Platinum or another really high status member with AA -- but since you've established that your negotiating skills are "top shelf," might be worth a try....
Hope this helps.
Thanks @practical1! I'll research and get prepared for that call in case we don't get the miles in a reasonable amount of time. (The SUB requirements on the personal version of the card are met after making a single purchase - which is one of the reasons it was so attractive!) I'll post an update if I make that call.
Update: My statement date was yesterday. I didn't check yesterday, but I did today and saw that the miles from the SUB and my regular spend on the card are now in my AA account. I didn't need to call or anything.
After seeing multiple DPs that it could take several weeks to get the points, that was a nice surprise.
@LADave - Good one. Nice surprise with no delay!
Congratulations on your Barclays Aviator Red 🔴 $5K SL!!