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Decided to go for a few CLIs this morning and get the week off to a great start. It was semi successful. Started with BOA at $5,000 and asked for $15,000. The luv button gave me $11,600 so at least I know I did not leave anything on the table. Next was Disco, new card last September, they gave me $1200 to start and had gotten to $2000 via the DD in December, but haven't been able to get any additional since. Bumped it the standard $300 this time but at least it's something and I will keep trying to crack that nut. Then comes my greatest source of frustration AMEX. Apparently they hate me. My Platinum card is my daily driver and have run over $40K through it already this year, but my Hilton card is stuck at $1500 since I received it back in 2014. I use it every time I stay at a Hilton property and PIF. Used it about $2500 this year, but it is difficult some times when I need to stay for an extended period due to the low CL. Tried again for $4500 this morning and one more time the dreaded 7-10 day message. One day maybe it will happen but at this time no dice.
Edit: Decided to give Sync a try and asked for CLI on my PayPal MC. Increased it from $1500 to $5000. Good day overall for SP CLIs.
Congrats on your cli. Sorry to hear about amex, OP
CONGRATS on the CLIs, especially the BoA CLI!!!
Congrats on CLI's !!!!
I was in a similar situation in 2008 right after the housing bubble burst with Chase. I had the Chase Marriott Rewards Visa, and at the time my ex-wife had moved to Texas, and we were struggling to make two mortgage payments. I wasn't late but our utilization started climbing, and I was only making minimum payments at the time. We finally sold our Indiana home, and even though I had to bring $9k to the table it set us on a path of financial normality again. I still had those high UTIL credit cards though and three were with Chase.
After a few months I started paying large payments to Chase, and as I would do this they would knock my CLs down. I was mortified, because my Marriott card was the card I used for business travel. By the time I had the card paid to zero balance they had moved my CL to $1,500 or so. I called them and explained my situation and asked for a higher CL or I was going to cancel the card. They came back with the CL I still have on that card today at $9.3k. It pays sometimes to call and explain your situation. Even if it results in a HP it might be beneficial in making the card more useful.
All are in the 680s currently. Util is a little high right the low 40% because of some medical bills. Should have it down in the 20% range by this time next month. I know I was marginal when I got the Hilton Card, but to have $0 in 4 years and in the mean time I have added cards and CLI every where it seems like. I have 2 other cards on my radar, Citi AA Platinum (Citi hates me too) and US Bank Cash +, but I will wait to pull the trigger on those until my util is better.
@Longroad wrote:All are in the 680s currently. Util is a little high right the low 40% because of some medical bills. Should have it down in the 20% range by this time next month. I know I was marginal when I got the Hilton Card, but to have $0 in 4 years and in the mean time I have added cards and CLI every where it seems like. I have 2 other cards on my radar, Citi AA Platinum (Citi hates me too) and US Bank Cash +, but I will wait to pull the trigger on those until my util is better.
Besides the UTI being high, do you have any COs or any other negatives like lates? If not, then I would assume after the UTI is down, give it 30-60 days after that and then try a CLI. This will give your reports enough time to update and stabilize.
Congrats on your CLIs!