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Well I wanted to share my small victory with everyone and inspire anyone who is still in the rebuilding stage as there been times I wanted to give up since I am very impatient and want instant gratification. I learned only time can fix the damages.
Well I am still in the rebuilding phase my scores were all in the 400's less than a year ago and my current scores are EQ: 614 TU: 680 EX:646.
I have 2 small collections on EQ and a student loan that I am currently rehabbing. ( Student loan are really hurting my scores. ) Plus I have a lot of inquires 30+ on all 3 bureau's ( Many of the inquires was when I first started rebuilding and went on a app spree without knowing the full consequences and I recently purchased a car in February). My Utilization is at 14% I just recently paid off my Jareds card so that should drop it back down to 0% which should bring a small increase since I lost points recently.
Anyhoo, I want to try anyhing I can do in the meantime while I wait for the small collections to drop and my student loan rehab to be complete which is in 2 months.( So excited to have these deleted soon!)
So you may have noticed I have a lot of inquires and I am trying to do only SP in the meantime while I wait for the inquiries to drop off. I was approved last week for a NFCU membership, refinanced my auto loan and was approved for the nRewards and CLOC at $7K all in the same night. I was on cloud 9 that day!!
I was also recently approved back in May for a Chase Freedom, Slate Card, Barclays all around the same time with some other store cards I personally use. I was very surprised to get the preapprovals for Chase since my scores were lower at that time and I had a lot of inquires. I have learned they have this 5/24 rule but I am convinced they make exceptions on this rule since I had more than 5 new cards within 24 months. I probably think what helped was the fact I bank with them.
Today as alway, my routine is to log on to Myfico and read some posts. I noticed that Walmart does SP CLI. I thought let me try the LUV button but NOTHING.I tried i again because I thought it had to be a misake LOL and NOTHING again. I couldn't find the chat feature since I read on here you can request a CLI that way ,so I called the back door number. It was a short convo, I asked for $10,000 they countered at $6K. I have only had them for 2 months.
I am excited to see how much my score increases after the NFCU CLOC, paid acct with Jareds and CLI for Walmart reports. My scores aren't that great and I am still fixing a few items but I am so happy with myself for still sticking with it and for this Forum. Without this Forum I would still be stuck with 400's.
Thank you!!
Wow. Great story that lets us know there's a light at the end of the .....
Hi Aduke!
I will be stalking your posts in the near furture! LOL
Thank you! I will be joining thr garden with you! hope I can stay strong for the next 7 months.....
Same here! I got a leter from NFCU with my TU score of 701. Its much more higher than what Fico is reporting at 680 which is weird...
As for the acct reporting without a due date I had that happen to me with Chase when there wasnt a due date and a statement hadn't cut . It dropeed my score When I paid down the balances to Zero within a few days the bureaus updated my balance and restored my points to what it was orginally. I thought it was a system glitch on there part. I was just glad it was fixed.
I hope it didn't hurt you too much....