So I've been lurking around here for about 6!years. I've used everything and anything that I've read to improve my terrible credit and pay down my debt.
I went from a First Premier secured card to now having:
Citi Aadvantage $1000
Citi DP (Just converted to Thank you preferred) $1900
Amex platinum NPSL
TD Cash rewards $5000
AAFCU $5000
A couple of synchrony & comenity cards.
Today, I HAD to pull the trigger on apping and walked into my local Chase and apped for CSP. When she said I was approved, I was elated! They declined me about 5 years ago. Look how far I've come.
I asked how much and she said 25. I said $2,500--perfect. She said no--$25,000! Holy utilization batman!
Anyway, I just wanted to thank the forum for your help. I was a true student and absorbed everything offered. You all are amazing!
Just in case,
Again, a million thanks! Know that what you post is really changing lives. Now I'll wait around to see how many points I lost from the HP. :-D

Finally hit the 800 club. I don’t see any other credit cards that I want. Guess I’ll garden.