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I have a relatively low income compared to other online data so I hope my background will help anyone with similar situations.
I'm a college grad, currently taking some time off preparing for grad school. Apart from studying I work a part time job plus volunteer at a lab. My family lives in a foreign country so I make sure to visit at least once a year. I chose CSR because I was attracted to the $300 travel credit and wanted to work on the trifecta for maximum value.
Visited a branch today with no luck on pre-approvals but applied for the card anyways. Given my 15k income, I thought the chances were slim. The banker did the application for me and right after had to call a line for further verifications (in which a senior banker said calling this line indicates a 99% chance of approval? not sure about that) After a few holds on the line (approximately 8-10 minutes) I was told the application got approved for 10k CL. The entire process (from application to getting approved) took about 30-40 minutes.
I hope my experience will help others in need. Thank you for reading!
Income 15k
TU 767, EQ 774
5yr 10 mo credit history
$4,100 CL with Chase Amazon Prime Visa Signature (1.5yr history)
$1,000 CL with local credit union
17% credit usage (paid off all balance before applying)
Welcome to the forums, @Anonymous! And congratulations on your CSR approval there! Appreciate the datapoints you shared so that it may help others in the future. Well done!
welcome to the boards and congrats on your approval ,,enjoy the card
Way to go on the approval and SL! Thanks for sharing!
Welcome, welcome, and welcome again.
You did it!
Congratulations! That is awesome, as I expect you are.
What an approval! Go for the gold and you land diamonds ... enjoy the benefits of the JP Morgan Chase Sapphire Reserve Visa Infinite! Room to travel now.
BIG CONGRATS @jho9 on your CSR approval, the AWESOME SL, Thanks for the Data Points (DPs), and Welcome to the FORUMS!!!
Nice! Congrats!
Congrats!! That is an awesome approval! Enjoy your shiny new card.