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So after years of building a pretty Fico portfolio, I bit the bullet and applied for the CSP. Now I have the freedom, FU, and CSP.
Some background, I started this credit game in 2012 when I turned 19. I initially applied for my first set of credit cards when I was 18 but due to no credit history I was turned down by chase, discover, capital one, citibank, and amex.
When I turned 19 I reapplied for Discover and was approved with a 500 SL and a secured BofA secured card 300 SL. CapitalOne was still a no go. I nourished my discover card until about 2013 when the approvals started rolling in. During my sophomore year in college I needed a cosigner for a car because apparently, my credit file was still pretty young and was stuck with an APR of 12.75% (yikes).
Fast forward a few years later, I was able to build a rather diverse credit profile with the most sought after banks. I was also able to get a newer car with an APR of 3.69. It goes to show that the credit game is a marathon rather than a sprint. Take the time to build your credit profile and protect it by any means.
Looking back, there is nothing I would change. I'm actually making plans to educate my younger brother who will be turning 18 this year the importance of credit and the price you pay if it blows.
congrats on completeing the much-coveted trifecta! and also thank you and well done on sharing your credit build-up!
Congrats, OP! Enjoy those REWARDS!
My next card is going to be a Merrill + VS and THEN a CSP.
CONGRATS I wish I had someone educate me when I was younfer about credit. But almost everybody in my family don't care about credit.He's lucky to have you as a brother
Thank you, everyone, for the kind words!
It's been a long journey but I am happy I was able to pull through.
Now I need to stop seeking credit and minimize the number of inquiries so when I apply for a mortgage it'll be a seamless process.
@Anonymous wrote:So after years of building a pretty Fico portfolio, I bit the bullet and applied for the CSP. Now I have the freedom, FU, and CSP.
Some background, I started this credit game in 2012 when I turned 19. I initially applied for my first set of credit cards when I was 18 but due to no credit history I was turned down by chase, discover, capital one, citibank, and amex.
When I turned 19 I reapplied for Discover and was approved with a 500 SL and a secured BofA secured card 300 SL. CapitalOne was still a no go. I nourished my discover card until about 2013 when the approvals started rolling in. During my sophomore year in college I needed a cosigner for a car because apparently, my credit file was still pretty young and was stuck with an APR of 12.75% (yikes).
Fast forward a few years later, I was able to build a rather diverse credit profile with the most sought after banks. I was also able to get a newer car with an APR of 3.69. It goes to show that the credit game is a marathon rather than a sprint. Take the time to build your credit profile and protect it by any means.
Looking back, there is nothing I would change. I'm actually making plans to educate my younger brother who will be turning 18 this year the importance of credit and the price you pay if it blows.
These days, that would be considered a good APR. Congrats on the CSP approval. What was your SL?
Was it an instant approval and was it applied for today? i was thinking of applying for a Chase card today as well but unsure if there is any reason I shouldnt being that it's a Saturday in case of any issues.
@jawbrkr wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:So after years of building a pretty Fico portfolio, I bit the bullet and applied for the CSP. Now I have the freedom, FU, and CSP.
Some background, I started this credit game in 2012 when I turned 19. I initially applied for my first set of credit cards when I was 18 but due to no credit history I was turned down by chase, discover, capital one, citibank, and amex.
When I turned 19 I reapplied for Discover and was approved with a 500 SL and a secured BofA secured card 300 SL. CapitalOne was still a no go. I nourished my discover card until about 2013 when the approvals started rolling in. During my sophomore year in college I needed a cosigner for a car because apparently, my credit file was still pretty young and was stuck with an APR of 12.75% (yikes).
Fast forward a few years later, I was able to build a rather diverse credit profile with the most sought after banks. I was also able to get a newer car with an APR of 3.69. It goes to show that the credit game is a marathon rather than a sprint. Take the time to build your credit profile and protect it by any means.
Looking back, there is nothing I would change. I'm actually making plans to educate my younger brother who will be turning 18 this year the importance of credit and the price you pay if it blows.
These days, that would be considered a good APR. Congrats on the CSP approval. What was your SL?
For a car loan? I feel like that's a terrible car loan APR. I was essentially overpaying the car I knew I was overpaying the minute I signed those papers.
When I applied I was given the 30 day message and was approved today (3 days later) with a 7000 SL. I plan on moving everything but 500 from my other cards onto this one.
@Anonymous wrote:
@jawbrkr wrote:...During my sophomore year in college I needed a cosigner for a car because apparently, my credit file was still pretty young and was stuck with an APR of 12.75% (yikes).
These days, that would be considered a good APR. Congrats on the CSP approval. What was your SL?
For a car loan? I feel like that's a terrible car loan APR. I essentially overpaying the car I knew I was overpaying the minute I signed those papers.
When I applied I was given the 30 day message and was approved today (3 days later) with a 7000 SL. I plan on moving everything but 500 from my other cards onto this one.
Oh my fault. I thought that APR was for the credit cards. Yes, that is absolutely terrible for a car.