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Logged into my Disco account today, and I noticed something peculiar with my CL number. It increased from $11,000 to $12,100 from a Disco auto CLI. Odd that I haven't seen an email or message in the account to announce it (perhaps I saw the new CL before the email is sent out).
Basically, it happened right after my 3rd statement cut. I'm still 2 weeks away from my 91 days after account opening.
I tried the DD by doing a manual CLI request online, but got nothing. I'm hoping it will allow another CLI after my 91 day checkpoint has passed.
Of note, Disco gave me the highest CL when I applied. They gave me $200 more than my highest (at that time) CL with Synchrony (Disco at 11K and Synch at 10.8k). Since then, Synch has risen to 15k but it hasn't reported yet. I'm wondering if Disco may get a wee bit jealous and grant a manual CLI after seeing Synch has leapfrogged them. One can only hope!
EDIT: Corrections made... I meant 91 days instead of 61.
Congrats on your increase! I think DD is done by calling in?
Congrats on your increase
"from $11,000 to $12,100 from a Disco auto CLI. "
Congrats on the nice increase!
They recently gave me a $250 and then I hit the luv button and got another $650. Ain't complaining. I'll take whatever Disco wants to give me.
Love your forum handle. Played the game with all my grandchildren.
@Anonymous wrote:Congrats on the nice increase!
They recently gave me a $250 and then I hit the luv button and got another $650. Ain't complaining. I'll take whatever Disco wants to give me.
Love your forum handle. Played the game with all my grandchildren.
Thanks! I'll take anything Disco gives me, as I can max out the quarter maximum every quarter!
And Duke is the man! It was the first multiplayer game I remember playing on a network or internet... and man did we have some great times playing on the networked computers at work! LOL
Congratulations on the auto increase!!
Congrats on your auto increase! Disco has never given me one! Good for you!