This was the last card I really really wanted.
Was going to wait a few months to bring my UTI down a bit, but was feeling like applying for a couple things today so I can garden for a few months.
I filled out the online app and it gave me a 1-800 number to call with a reference #.
The First Lady said she had to transfer me to someone else.
He came on and just asked address, a card I've gotten through someone else, etc.
Of course I knew I was going to be denied as I applied in April and was denied. FICO 08 was in the 620's then.
After a couple brief holds he came back and congratulated me on my approval and my $7k starting limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I about dropped.
The highest non-store card I have is my new AMEX at a $1k SL.
Earlier Chase approved me for a $2k FU card
And Target is upgrading my $2500 REDcard to a MC, which is nice.
EQ: 693
3 baddies
AAoA: 3.2yrs
UTI: 40%
Is this $7k SL good for Discover? Avg?
When do we get to start asking for CLI's? Not that I'm not content with $7k

Super excited!
I may go for a Cap1 QS so I can get rid of my two secured cards and just garden for months after my app spree today.
Thanks again for listening!