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Discover It Approval

Senior Contributor

Discover It Approval

This was the last card I really really wanted.

Was going to wait a few months to bring my UTI down a bit, but was feeling like applying for a couple things today so I can garden for a few months.

I filled out the online app and it gave me a 1-800 number to call with a reference #.

The First Lady said she had to transfer me to someone else.

He came on and just asked address, a card I've gotten through someone else, etc.

Of course I knew I was going to be denied as I applied in April and was denied. FICO 08 was in the 620's then.

After a couple brief holds he came back and congratulated me on my approval and my $7k starting limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smiley Surprised

I about dropped.

The highest non-store card I have is my new AMEX at a $1k SL.

Earlier Chase approved me for a $2k FU card

And Target is upgrading my $2500 REDcard to a MC, which is nice.
EQ: 693
3 baddies
AAoA: 3.2yrs
UTI: 40%

Is this $7k SL good for Discover? Avg?

When do we get to start asking for CLI's? Not that I'm not content with $7k Smiley Very Happy

Super excited!

I may go for a Cap1 QS so I can get rid of my two secured cards and just garden for months after my app spree today.

Thanks again for listening! Smiley Happy
Message 1 of 34
Not applicable

Re: Discover It Approval

Congratulations on getting in with Disco!!! Very nice SL
Message 2 of 34
Valued Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval

Wow Congrats m8 that's huge sl.

ps.again u made me read all the detailed stuff.(Short cut maybe next one ?)lol

Message 3 of 34
Legendary Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval

WOAH!! WAY 2 GO T80sKidSmiley Happy

That is simply amazing limit!. This prooves to me Disco definetely wants to be your one and only. That is a great sl and since its sp you can try anytime you like for cl. But give it 90 days to see if they auto you. If not try after your third statement cuts . You can see if you are on a 30, 60, or 90 day cycle.

Im teally happy for you Kid, youve come along way. Youve done good and NOW is the time to garden hard hsrd let these babies grow and breathe and rrmember to keep bringing down your utilization so you can maximize your scores. With Amex, Disco and Chase and your Target, you are well beyond the need for secured cards. Enjoy it , and

Message 4 of 34
Senior Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval

Huge thank you, everyone!

Sorry, I had a lot to say! LOL

A huge thank you for all of your help and guidance. Beyond appreciated!

On a blah note, I just wanted to get all HP's done and out of the way today.

I went ahead and tried for an CO QS with no AF since my other 2 CO cards won't budge from their low limits.

Not sure what they want from me, but nothing against CO, they are just of no use to me nor. They refuse to grow and I refuse to pay 2 $40 fees each year for these CO cards.

I'm sure my AMEX and Discover will grow with me and that's pretty much all I ask for. Growth.

There's only 2 other lines of credit I want and I'm done:

1) Care Credit
2) Citi Double Cash (because I go to concerts maybe once or twice a year and citi always gives the best presale seats).

Thanks again for listening! Smiley Very Happy
Message 5 of 34
Senior Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval

And one last thing.

I did not have a pre-approval for the Disco, nor did I have one for either of my Chase cards and none for my AMEX.

Just an FYI.

Also, my EQ only had 1 inquirie. From Discover itself the last time they denied me Smiley Tongue

Seems a lot of creditors don't pull EQ.

It all worked out. Smiley Happy
Message 6 of 34
Legendary Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval

Lol Total, everyone and their uncles always seemed to pull my EQSmiley Wink.

Lol, dont worry about good ol peghedeSmiley Happy, i think Captain J's post keep peghede busy enoughSmiley Happy
Message 7 of 34
Mega Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval

This is very big for you Total80sKid.


That helpful of a start line for a new Discover Card is not so routine but you got it and now on the right track.


Congratulations!!! Smiley Happy

Message 8 of 34
Frequent Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval

Congrats, T8K!


Much like you, I need to let my new accounts breathe a little! See you in the Garden!

What I use (& strongly recommend): Chase Sapphire Reserve | BofA/ML (Premium Rewards VS, Cash Rewards VS, Merrill+ VS) | AmEx (Amazon Prime Business)

What I have: NFCU | PenFed | General Electric CU | Wright Patt CU | Discover | BBVA | Apple Card (GS)

Total CL with Bank of America = $100,000 (Platinum Honors Merrill Client). I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner, so feel free to message me if you have any planning/credit questions.

EQ 759, EX 765, TU 771 (06/10/2022)

I started with scores in the 400s in 2016. This forum is a Godsend--focus on the journey, be patient, and you'll definitely get there no matter the circumstances!

Message 9 of 34
Senior Contributor

Re: Discover It Approval


Lol@peghede comment Smiley Tongue


Thank you! This is by far my highest card limit. It feels surreal. To come from being denied every credit application since I was 16 to the Cap1's and Chase to the now nice SL is incredible!

I've read that some companies will try to match your highest, though I think I have everything by creditors who do that haha. Maybe it will help when the time comes for me to apply for Care Credit and Citi, though I know Citi is stingy with their SL's


Yes, we must garden and watch our babies grow into full bloom overtime!
Message 10 of 34
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