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Hi everyone (again),
So I was instant approved for my discover student loan(without a cosigner yay for independence), afterward I recieved a Discover scorecard notification of hard inquiry from discover on experian report, then immediatley after checking that notification a random pre-qual for both discover student cards popped up with solid APR showing. I stupidly Applied for cashback Discover IT and was instant approved for $1,500. Discover pulled Experian once and Equifax twice, no transunion pull(probably because I have it locked currently). Long story short a double pull on Equifax and single pull on Experian got me instant student loan approval and my first Discover card, BUT I feel so scared/dumb/mad for falling into the trap and applying because I feel like I just ruined my relationship with Chase. My Amex Plat hasn't reported yet (approved on 06/18/19) my CSP just reported (approved on 06/18/2019), other than these two cards and now the discover card/student loan do you think I'm doomed for AA? ((((( I feel so stupid for doing it.
@AverageJoesCredit wrote:
Congrats. You should be ok but this another reason i dislike Chase. They want us to walk on eggshells for something we can get from any other lender. Enjoy your new card, you might get some backlash on your other thread but thats bound to happen
I'm no Chase fan at all, I think they tend to be pretty snotty and "we're doing you a favor by extending you credit" kind of attitude, but... I don't think they "want" people to walk on eggshells. You have to remember most consumers are not constantly opening new cards. I always recommend people lay low after getting a Chase card because of how Chase is with people like us around here who are outside of the norm. Any average consumer who is rarely opening cards is not going to have a problem nor have to walk on eggshells.
I wouldn't stress it OP, it is what it is and you can deal with it if and when it occurs.
CONGRATS @Bmn5940 on your Discover approvals and Welcome to the DISCO family!!!
Congrats on the approval. You should be fine with everything. Rooting for you.
Congratulations on your student loan and card approvals!!!
Congrats on you're approval.
pray to the credit god's while it takes about 1 more month for The Amex to Report.