I've had a banner week so far with approvals!!
First, I was approved for an auto loan refinance with Penfed. My rate dropped from 8.75% to 2.49%. This is huge for me because , not even 2 years ago, my credit was so awful that all I could get was an 18% auto loan when I bought the car.
Then, last night. I decided to try for a CLI for my measly NFCU Cash Rewards card. I got approved back in January for $2,100. After all the huge limits I'd been seeing, I was a bit discouraged but, at the time, I was in re-building mode. Since then, all the baddies are off my reports and my scores are all over 720. So, I logged in to to the app and requested the CLI. Oh my goodness -- I went from $2,100 - $20,000!! WOW!! That is my highest limit by far. Even though I know this is kind of the norm for them, It's just so shocking to see it on MY card.
Then I hit up Citi for a CLI on my Costco Visa. There was no HP and I went from $5,500 - $8,500. Considering I was on Citi's blacklist for a long time, and thought I would be for years to come. I am thrilled that they like me again!
Nex up, AMEX -- I currently have an AMEX Optima as a recovery product. I can't get a CLI on it and there are no rewards at all, plus an AF It has a $900 limit and I've had it for nearly a year and a half.
I just took a shot and apped for the BCE, figuring I would not get approved because of the Optima. Low and behold I got approved with a $2,800 CLI! That's on the lower end but, yay, I am back in with a "real" AMEX card. I also know I can request the 90 day CLI and hopefully get it increased to $8,400 in 3 months.
Probably best to quit while I'm ahead