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I had to come out of the garden in October because my husband's car finally gave up. Since I hit 91/3 with Navy last week I decided to app for the Flagship because the sub was calling my name.
I was approved with a 15k SL, which is the same SL I was approved for on my GR in August.
I also applied for a CLI on my Go Rewards. No dice. I can't seem to get approved for anything Navy offers that they pull EQ for even though it is my cleanest report.
They HP'd TU for the Flagship and EQ for the GR. Navy is nothing if not consistant. LOL!
Congratulations on your approval!
Congrats on the approval! Curious, was your initial pull for the GR TU or EQ?
Total CL: $321.7k | UTL: 2% | AAoA: 7.0yrs | Baddies: 0 | Other: Lease, Loan, *No Mortgage, All Inq's from Jun '20 Car Shopping |