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Hey Community!
Just wanted to share how I recently (about 2 wks ago) got instantly approved for a $1.5K CL Nordstrom Visa with 713 score with no baddies, alot of new accounts in last 24 months and UTL around 13%. I made about $1,100 in purchases and paid the balance in full within a week and before the card arrived. So I called this morning to inquire about when would be the best time to request CLI and the CSS told me that I could make that request at any time. She said that would be happy to do so as it would only be a SP on my file. She took my info and congratulated me with an CLI to $7.5K. Thank you Nordy and thank you community for all your insights!
Congrats on the approval and instant luv
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Thanks to all. Going to do some gardening for the next year or so. My goal cards are CSP, BCP and AMEX Gold. Got the Hilton AMEX in May with SL of 1K, intend to request CLI on the day 61. Is this a good plan, or should I wait 6 months and then request?
Also, how soon will I see an AMEX preapproved offer for another card?
@Anonymous wrote:Thanks to all. Going to do some gardening for the next year or so. My goal cards are CSP, BCP and AMEX Gold. Got the Hilton AMEX in May with SL of 1K, intend to request CLI on the day 61. Is this a good plan, or should I wait 6 months and then request?
Also, how soon will I see an AMEX preapproved offer for another card?
Congrats on the approval and great CLI!
As for AmEx, my understanding is that if you request at day 61 and are denied for substantive credit reasons, then you have to wait 90 days before your request again. So that means you would be requesting 151 days from date of approval rather than 180 days. I say it can't hurt.
However, MyFico members have said that if you start with a low limit like $1k sometimes that means you squeaked by and it's best to wait 180 days to request your first CLI!
I've seen reports on here of people starting at 1K and getting the 3x increase in 61 days. So, you have to decide if you want to take that chance.
As for preappoval times, I think it is different for each person. For me, I was approved for my first Amex on May 1st. This week I saw preapprovals in in incognito mode for three cards (none of them the card I wanted). I could not see any preapprovals when logged into my AmEx account normally. Now, even the incognito preapprovals don't show up. I applied for my goal card that I was not preapproved for. Instantly denied. Go figure. I guess AmEx giveth and AmEx taketh away.
Edited to Add: Info regarding denied card.
Congratulations on the approval. Please update us when you get that CLI on day 61.