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Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

Legendary Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

@Red1Blue wrote:

Congrats AJC

Thank you @Red1Blue  and @Reviewers Smiley Happy

Message 21 of 108
Legendary Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

@CreditAggie wrote:

Congratulations on your Banco Popular approval and $300K TCL!

Thanks @CreditAggie  feels good!

Message 22 of 108
Legendary Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!



Haha , Noice!Smiley Wink  



Message 23 of 108
Legendary Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

@bizarrocreditworld wrote:


@AverageJoesCredit wrote:

Well what can i say? This approval might be my happiest of the last 7 years that ive been rebuilding my credit. Went bk back in 07 but didnt start rebuilding until maybe 8 /9 years after due to not knowing you could get credit after bk discharge. Duh!


So Sunday i decided to try again for a cc from my local bank of 20+ years Banco Popular. Ive been blacklisted hard since bk, harder than Amex, Citi etc, and they were the only FI i could not get back in with. Mind you, their cards arent  great but rhat wasnt the point. To get back in not only would complete my rebuild but maybe open up avenues for other help if i ever needed , ie loans etc ( i hope) ive wasted many a hp to get zilch lol. 


Filled in app, which went smoothly. Monday morning received a hp on TU and a phone call about 9 :30 am. I usually dont pick up #s i dont know but since i know i applied for credit could be them. Verified some personal info, i have a fraud alert, and somewhere in that convo, i heard approved.uhm what? APPROVEDSmiley Happy. Limit is $1700 but i dont care (  with my current debt im suprised not to get $200 haha) lol Mission accomplished😊


Card is on the way woo hoo , already in my home account. Comes with a 6 month 1.99 apr purchase promo and $50 SUB for $1k spend in 3 months. Earns 1.5 % cashback. Meh, but not the point haha!. Everyone knows i was short $76 to break $300k in credit and with this approval that pushes me to $301,624 in credit available.  When i got off the phone my coworker asked why i was so giddy, i just said Im BACK ....with a bank im not too fond of lol. Thanks everybody been quite the journey. Smiley Happy AJC 


Additional dps. 756 TU 15 hps 

I agree with @odd_dog , I love it when the good guys win. I love it even more when it's one of the people I admire on here. Way to go, AJC. 

Ah man, thank @bizarrocreditworld  always a blessing to here from you and your words are greatly received my friend. Stay well and best of luck on obtaining your PHDSmiley Happy

Message 24 of 108
Legendary Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

@cashorcharge wrote:

Outstanding @AverageJoesCredit !!  Congratulations on your achievements and your new Approval!! 🎉🥂👏

Thanks Cash, its a real hp be darned this was really worth it moment. Kinda like when i got back in with Amex 10 years later with 2 cards lolSmiley Happy


Thanks @gingerflower Smiley Wink

Message 25 of 108
Legendary Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

@Hex wrote:


That's wonderful -I'm so happy for you!!! You've done more than you know to help members of the community here and you absolutely deserve to celebrate your accomplishments. Congratulations and thank you for everything.   😃

Ah shucks, thanks @Hex 😊 being part of this community is something to be proud of and members such as yourself also bring lots of value as well. Blessings my friendSmiley Happy

Message 26 of 108
Established Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

Very nice,  congratulations!

Message 27 of 108
Legendary Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

@SouthJamaica wrote:

@AverageJoesCredit wrote:

Well what can i say? This approval might be my happiest of the last 7 years that ive been rebuilding my credit. Went bk back in 07 but didnt start rebuilding until maybe 8 /9 years after due to not knowing you could get credit after bk discharge. Duh!


So Sunday i decided to try again for a cc from my local bank of 20+ years Banco Popular. Ive been blacklisted hard since bk, harder than Amex, Citi etc, and they were the only FI i could not get back in with. Mind you, their cards arent  great but rhat wasnt the point. To get back in not only would complete my rebuild but maybe open up avenues for other help if i ever needed , ie loans etc ( i hope) ive wasted many a hp to get zilch lol. 


Filled in app, which went smoothly. Monday morning received a hp on TU and a phone call about 9 :30 am. I usually dont pick up #s i dont know but since i know i applied for credit could be them. Verified some personal info, i have a fraud alert, and somewhere in that convo, i heard approved.uhm what? APPROVEDSmiley Happy. Limit is $1700 but i dont care (  with my current debt im suprised not to get $200 haha) lol Mission accomplished😊


Card is on the way woo hoo , already in my home account. Comes with a 6 month 1.99 apr purchase promo and $50 SUB for $1k spend in 3 months. Earns 1.5 % cashback. Meh, but not the point haha!. Everyone knows i was short $76 to break $300k in credit and with this approval that pushes me to $301,624 in credit available.  When i got off the phone my coworker asked why i was so giddy, i just said Im BACK ....with a bank im not too fond of lol. Thanks everybody been quite the journey. Smiley Happy AJC 


Additional dps. 756 TU 15 hps 

Congratulations AJC.  Way to go.  I guess now you can comfortably relax in the garden.

 Thanks @SPChaser  for kind words. 


@SouthJamaica  couldnt say it better myself. Now to try and keep paying down my debt and  see where i can be at the end of this year. Now no need to push the envelope. Only thing that would make my day would be a cli from Disco buti can persevere without one lolSmiley Happy

Message 28 of 108
Established Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

Congratulations @AverageJoesCredit !


I sit at about 1/6th of that 300k with 6 cards, 8 if counting my 2 NPSL cards.


Does your portfolio weigh more with CLI or new accounts?

..did you acquire new cards every year or focus on CLI & gardening some years?

..did you remove cards too over the course of time?



2014 credit2020 credit2021 credit2023 credit
paypal credit imagecredit card imagecredit card imagecredit card imagecredit card imagecharge card imagecredit card imagecredit card imagecharge card imagecharge card image
[2020-12-09]=[EQ8|786]-[TU8|746]-[EX8|772] .... gardening until I can't (again).
Message 29 of 108
Mega Contributor

Re: Rebuild 100% complete, $300k barrier broke!

Forget juju of any sort @AverageJoesCredit

Yours is pure raw uncut persistence and never giving up.


Congratulations on your NEW MILESTONE $300K TCL Banco Popular approval! WTG!! Smiley Happy



Message 30 of 108
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