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@Tazman81 wrote:*** UPDATE ***
Well, I talked with AMEX and they have agreed to reverse the restition amount that I paid to them. The young lady was EXTREMELY NICE and apologized that they were not able to offer me a card with AMEX at this time. We talked about the bankruptcy and she said that right now it would likely be about 2015 with AMEX's current guidelines before I could get anything. She did make it clear though that AMEX does not discourage people from applying, but she just wanted me to know about my situation and that everyone's situation is different. I told her that I appreciated that. So, anyhow, even though I was declined to get a card with AMEX (which was my ultimate goal), I will be able to use those funds elsewhere and then when I do qualify for an AMEX, I will be happy to pay restitution and move forward.
Sorry to hear about the hassle they put you through, but glad they gave you back your payment.
I guess it could have been worse. Think of it as an advanced class in AmEx Cardology with a refund on tuition.
$10k for a secured card? I think DEA needs to start looking for major drug users in AmEx.
I was suspicious when I received two gold account membership offers in the past two months. Today I get a call from Amex asking me how I intend on paying a debt from 1999. I inquired about the Oasis program and the CSR rep said he had no idea what I was talking about and then asked for a payment again.
@BBYGRL wrote:I was suspicious when I received two gold account membership offers in the past two months. Today I get a call from Amex asking me how I intend on paying a debt from 1999. I inquired about the Oasis program and the CSR rep said he had no idea what I was talking about and then asked for a payment again.
Did you apply for one of the gold cards and that was why they were contacting you? I guess it also depends on how much the debt was. Like in my case, I was willing to pay it to get back in with AMEX because they backdate their cards and that would definitely have helped my score. But then again, I only owed about $800, so that was not too much of a burden.
No, I dare not apply until I'm ready to pay the balance in full. I know it's an automatic "decline."You would think they would offer me the program but maybe some other time. They haven't contacted me by phone since 2008. Today I nicely told him to send all inquiries in writing.
I was once sad that when I paid off my AMEX delinquent balance they said I was not eligible for the OASIS card offer. I waited a month and then applied for ZYNC and was accepted. I suggest this for anyone looking to get back in with AMEX.
The plan is to pay them off for good. I'm not so sure if I want to do business with them again. We'll see. I'm sure the feeling is mutual. I asked the CSR for Oasis info so that I could share my experience with the you all.
Sorry to bring up such an old thread, but has anyone been offered the Oasis program recently? Also, does the secured card still require a minimum $10K CD?
@Anonymous wrote:Sorry to bring up such an old thread, but has anyone been offered the Oasis program recently? Also, does the secured card still require a minimum $10K CD?
I did see something recently where someone was offered an Oasis card but it was called something else, but they could not remember the name of it. As far as the secured card, yes, the last that I heard (a couple weeks ago) was that it still required a 10k minimum.