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They both can be beneficial in their own way. You just have to decide if they're a match for your spending. At one time I had them both and used them both regularly in very different ways. Amazon for all those things you just can't find locally and lots of gift card purchases before I had rebuilt with majors credit cards. My Walmart card didn't get much use at Walmart itself saw lots of heavy use at Sam's Club and for fuel at Sam's Club as well...and again, before I qualified for better major cards.
Sure... 5% back on Amazon purchases and 3% back on Walmart online or 1% in-store.
Both have their purpose if you shop at each establishment.
@fdrfan54 wrote:?
I had both at one point. The feature I liked most about Walmart's store card was cash-over...very handy. For Amazon, my favorite feature was (and still is) the special financing for purchases over $150.
As long as you shop at both, certainly there's a point! If you don't shop there, there's really no point in having their card, though. There could even be justification for having both the Chase and Synchrony Amazon cards, but I do love the way that Synchrony makes it easy to use the 5% back or special financing offers at the same time without paying interest. (Many cards will lose their grace period when taking advantage of promotional financing so new purchases accrue interest immediately - not the Amazon card.)
@SunriseEarth wrote:
@fdrfan54 wrote:?
I had both at one point. The feature I liked most about Walmart's store card was cash-over...very handy. For Amazon, my favorite feature was (and still is) the special financing for purchases over $150.
+1 on Walmart's quickcash feature. Very underrated IMO.