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Just got the Chase Freedom a couple days ago, Im wandering how long until they give me a credit line increase without a HP, Capital one gave me an increase from $500 to $4500 after 5 months and am wandering if Chase works the same way??
Thanks...first post here
@Anonymous wrote:Just got the Chase Freedom a couple days ago, Im wandering how long until they give me a credit line increase without a HP, Capital one gave me an increase from $500 to $4500 after 5 months and am wandering if Chase works the same way??
Thanks...first post here
Welcome to the forum! From what I have seen, it's usually like the 6th month or so, some have recieved one earlier like at 4 months. I just got an auto CLI after only having the card 4 months, it's a Ritz card though.
It's a YMMV area. I've had mine for two years without an auto or SP CLI. I got a HP CLI after about 8 months.
@Anonymous wrote:Just got the Chase Freedom a couple days ago, Im wandering how long until they give me a credit line increase without a HP, Capital one gave me an increase from $500 to $4500 after 5 months and am wandering if Chase works the same way??
Thanks...first post here
Chase is notoriously hard in giving CLI's. Do a search of myfico and you'll find many people recommending apping for another card and moving the credit limit. I have had my Freedom since July 18 2015 so going on my 7th statement and haven't seen a CLI but but I don't mind. I did get one on my CSP after my 4th statement. I got the CSP on the same day as my Freedom.
Recieved a 1k SP CLI on freedom three months after opening the account, nothing since. At the time the card had a 1700 balance. Go figure.
@TURNERHOOVER wrote:Recieved a 1k SP CLI on freedom three months after opening the account, nothing since. At the time the card had a 1700 balance. Go figure.
I'm curious, what was your SL?
starting limit is $2200 want more though!
Just apply for a new card and ideally a CSP, Marriott or something else and move the limits. If you dont want to close the card apply for the CSP and PC it to a CS which has no AF
here is my experience
March 2015 - APRROVED with $3k SL
June. 2015 - Auto cli of $1
january 2016 - Requested a HP cli via CSR . Ask fo $20k and was approved $20k
just know chase does give out good cli upon request. I'm currently not interested in any other of their products so I
wasnt gonna app a card just for the SL and mmove limits around. do what's best for you. Everyone situation is different.
P.S. My cli request wasn't got sent over to Analyst. I never called and rode it out. Took almost 2 weeks.
The new limit shows up on my account.
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:here is my experience
March 2015 - APRROVED with $3k SL
June. 2015 - Auto cli of $1
january 2016 - Requested a HP cli via CSR . Ask fo $20k and was approved $20k
just know chase does give out good cli upon request. I'm currently nit interested in any other of their products so I
wasnt gonna app a card just for the SL and mibe it around.m it do what's best for you. Everyone situation is different.
P.S. My cli request wasn't got sent over to Analyst. I never called and rode it out. Took almost 2 weeks.
The new limit shoes up on my account.
Please use spell check
If you're going to ask for a HP might as well ask for another card....