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@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:Like I said , Chase has no cards Im Interested in at the moment so opening a new card
is not always the answer. I did just as good or better by asking for a cli and not opening a new
account. Everyone agenda isn't like yours.
You're also assuming you're going to get at least more than $5,000 CLI... Applying for the CSP or Marriott card will get you at LEAST $5,000 so you can simply apply for the card- wait 30 days and than move the whole limit to the freedom or move everything but $500 and close it. You can ask for a CLI but you can get a $500 increase or none at all. This is nothing about an agenda but just facts. Why bother with a HP when you don't have any possible clue in how much they will get you.
Sorry, but I refuse to have a card on my report with a $500 limit... So sorry but that's not the way my file is set up. I'm pass having $500 limits showing .
some of us have standards. Obviously standards that's higher than yours . What works for some don't work for others .
Standards? lol? Higher then mine? You don't know squat about me. This is credit and credit alone is a luxury ,.... I have around $110,000 in Credit through all my cards.
As I said before you can easily only get a $500 CLI from chase but a Visa siggy card from chase will get you at least $5,000 and you can easily relloacte the whole limit to the Freedom. All this would do is hurt your AAoA.
Exactly.......mjust your AAoA..... Everyone isn't wanting to take a hit on that. Some just would like to take a HP than to mess with their AAoA.. Yes I know I don't know you
and truth be told, I don't want to know you. OP was simply trying to get peoples experience with getting a cli on their freedom card.
im sure someone on the board will be more than happy to get you a cookie for having $110k limits across your cards.
Just st share your experience with OP and keep it moving please.
Yeah? and Chase is pretty much terrible at CLI's. Not going to take a HP every single time to ask for one. I rather go with Citi and take a SP. Discover it also does HP and is a similar card to the Freedom. Between that their horrible website which as far as I know hasn't been updated since 2008 if you're not in the market for the CSP, or other travel branded cards I would go look elsewhere because similar cards can be found at other banks with better terms and a better website. Considering the OP already has the card I would just forget about the CLI all together and just use it. Not even worth the HP to ask for one.
I don't want a Cookie but you want to bring up youre "Standards" and accusing me I have less "Standards" umm ok?
@FinStar wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:Like I said , Chase has no cards Im Interested in at the moment so opening a new card
is not always the answer. I did just as good or better by asking for a cli and not opening a new
account. Everyone agenda isn't like yours.
You're also assuming you're going to get at least more than $5,000 CLI... Applying for the CSP or Marriott card will get you at LEAST $5,000 so you can simply apply for the card- wait 30 days and than move the whole limit to the freedom or move everything but $500 and close it. You can ask for a CLI but you can get a $500 increase or none at all. This is nothing about an agenda but just facts. Why bother with a HP when you don't have any possible clue in how much they will get you.
Sorry, but I refuse to have a card on my report with a $500 limit... So sorry but that's not the way my file is set up. I'm pass having $500 limits showing .
some of us have standards. Obviously standards that's higher than yours . What works for some don't work for others .
Standards? lol? Higher then mine? You don't know squat about me. This is credit and credit alone is a luxury ,.... I have around $110,000 in Credit through all my cards.
As I said before you can easily only get a $500 CLI from chase but a Visa siggy card from chase will get you at least $5,000 and you can easily relloacte the whole limit to the Freedom. All this would do is hurt your AAoA.
Ok, this isn't about a pissing contest or just to determine whose apendage is the largest.
Keep in mind that your strategy is not ideal for individuals who do not want to open additional cards with Chase much no different than someone advertising opening 5 Capital One cards to pad utilization. Believe me, there are individuals that do not want to tank their AAoA. These can benefit some people, sure, but it is not for everyone.
Now, that being said, I have qualified for several high CLIs from Chase. For instance just a few months ago, my Ritz CC went from $20K to $40K with a HP and I also received a CSP auto-CLI to $26,500. If the overall profile supports the CLI, individuals can get them - the amount will vary. Not sure where you've seen that every CLI (or most) only end up being $500 or insignificant but the individual would need to make that choice whether they risk a HP for another card (with no guarantee of approval) or a HP for CLI (with no guarantee of the CLI or at least a nominal amount). Everyone's profile and outcomes will differ.
Just my .02c
A CLI CAN be $500 dollars... I am no way going to risk finding out by taking a HP with chase to find that out. I am perfectly happy with the limits on my Chase cards with the exception of the Amazon one which has a $1,000 limit but i don't even use it so I pretty much have left it alone. Actually when I think about it all my chase cards has been in my SD for the past year with the exception of the CS which is currently holding a balance with a 0% APR. Anyways with a HP being required I rather app for a card and get a min $5,000 limit then deal with asking for a CLI and might get a $500 limit or perhaps higher. I got approved for the Slate with a $500 limit but with me closing a card which had a $5,000 limit I simply added $4,500 to the Slate to make it $5,000 and added $500 to another card.
As far as an Auto CLI I got one and that was $1,000 on my freedom.
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@FinStar wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:Like I said , Chase has no cards Im Interested in at the moment so opening a new card
is not always the answer. I did just as good or better by asking for a cli and not opening a new
account. Everyone agenda isn't like yours.
You're also assuming you're going to get at least more than $5,000 CLI... Applying for the CSP or Marriott card will get you at LEAST $5,000 so you can simply apply for the card- wait 30 days and than move the whole limit to the freedom or move everything but $500 and close it. You can ask for a CLI but you can get a $500 increase or none at all. This is nothing about an agenda but just facts. Why bother with a HP when you don't have any possible clue in how much they will get you.
Sorry, but I refuse to have a card on my report with a $500 limit... So sorry but that's not the way my file is set up. I'm pass having $500 limits showing .
some of us have standards. Obviously standards that's higher than yours . What works for some don't work for others .
Standards? lol? Higher then mine? You don't know squat about me. This is credit and credit alone is a luxury ,.... I have around $110,000 in Credit through all my cards.
As I said before you can easily only get a $500 CLI from chase but a Visa siggy card from chase will get you at least $5,000 and you can easily relloacte the whole limit to the Freedom. All this would do is hurt your AAoA.
Ok, this isn't about a pissing contest or just to determine whose apendage is the largest.
Keep in mind that your strategy is not ideal for individuals who do not want to open additional cards with Chase much no different than someone advertising opening 5 Capital One cards to pad utilization. Believe me, there are individuals that do not want to tank their AAoA. These can benefit some people, sure, but it is not for everyone.
Now, that being said, I have qualified for several high CLIs from Chase. For instance just a few months ago, my Ritz CC went from $20K to $40K with a HP and I also received a CSP auto-CLI to $26,500. If the overall profile supports the CLI, individuals can get them - the amount will vary. Not sure where you've seen that every CLI (or most) only end up being $500 or insignificant but the individual would need to make that choice whether they risk a HP for another card (with no guarantee of approval) or a HP for CLI (with no guarantee of the CLI or at least a nominal amount). Everyone's profile and outcomes will differ.
Just my .02c
A CLI CAN be $500 dollars... I am no way going to risk finding out by taking a HP with chase to find that out. I am perfectly happy with the limits on my Chase cards with the exception of the Amazon one which has a $1,000 limit but i don't even use it so I pretty much have left it alone. Actually when I think about it all my chase cards has been in my SD for the past year with the exception of the CS which is currently holding a balance with a 0% APR. Anyways with a HP being required I rather app for a card and get a min $5,000 limit then deal with asking for a CLI and might get a $500 limit or perhaps higher. I got approved for the Slate with a $500 limit but with me closing a card which had a $5,000 limit I simply added $4,500 to the Slate to make it $5,000 and added $500 to another card.
As far as an Auto CLI I got one and that was $1,000 on my freedom.
No one is disputing the fact that a CLI could be $500 at minimum but that depends on the individual, their profile and Chase's internal CL policies and algorithms.
Your previous assertion implies that a CLI request would yield nothing higher. Now, if you are content with your profile and results, great. However, my point still stands for others who are learning that not everyone is in the market for opening up Chase cards left and right for every single CLI should the individual not want to tank their AAoA and scores. Plus, it's doubtful most people want to end up with 5 or 6 Chase cards just because of a CLI.
Then again, HP is typically the norm with Chase for any customer-initiated requests. But, by the same token, individuals have also reported auto-CLIs or pre-approved CLI solicitations via email/snail mail which do not involve a HP.
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:Like I said , Chase has no cards Im Interested in at the moment so opening a new card
is not always the answer. I did just as good or better by asking for a cli and not opening a new
account. Everyone agenda isn't like yours.
You're also assuming you're going to get at least more than $5,000 CLI... Applying for the CSP or Marriott card will get you at LEAST $5,000 so you can simply apply for the card- wait 30 days and than move the whole limit to the freedom or move everything but $500 and close it. You can ask for a CLI but you can get a $500 increase or none at all. This is nothing about an agenda but just facts. Why bother with a HP when you don't have any possible clue in how much they will get you.
Sorry, but I refuse to have a card on my report with a $500 limit... So sorry but that's not the way my file is set up. I'm pass having $500 limits showing .
some of us have standards. Obviously standards that's higher than yours . What works for some don't work for others .
Standards? lol? Higher then mine? You don't know squat about me. This is credit and credit alone is a luxury ,.... I have around $110,000 in Credit through all my cards.
As I said before you can easily only get a $500 CLI from chase but a Visa siggy card from chase will get you at least $5,000 and you can easily relloacte the whole limit to the Freedom. All this would do is hurt your AAoA.
Exactly.......mjust your AAoA..... Everyone isn't wanting to take a hit on that. Some just would like to take a HP than to mess with their AAoA.. Yes I know I don't know you
and truth be told, I don't want to know you. OP was simply trying to get peoples experience with getting a cli on their freedom card.
im sure someone on the board will be more than happy to get you a cookie for having $110k limits across your cards.
Just st share your experience with OP and keep it moving please.
Yeah? and Chase is pretty much terrible at CLI's. Not going to take a HP every single time to ask for one. I rather go with Citi and take a SP. Discover it also does HP and is a similar card to the Freedom. Between that their horrible website which as far as I know hasn't been updated since 2008 if you're not in the market for the CSP, or other travel branded cards I would go look elsewhere because similar cards can be found at other banks with better terms and a better website. Considering the OP already has the card I would just forget about the CLI all together and just use it. Not even worth the HP to ask for one.
I don't want a Cookie but you want to bring up youre "Standards" and accusing me I have less "Standards" umm ok?
I really don't know where you've been lately , but maybe you should do some reading and catching up on here,
because discover very has had a Gravy train running which ended and now it's 1/2 way back running but not like it was.
discover is currently handing out SP cli every 30-91 days almost like clock work. Ranging from $500-$10+ a pop........... So there is no comparing the 2
lender's cli practices what so ever. As stated before. Everyone has the right to share their opinion about their experiences with Chase. But it's not a good idea
to teach someone with a thin file or starting out , how to go and open accounts, move limits, then close the donor card just for a quick ride to the top.
People also need to know they need to build up their internal score with a lender to so they may qualify for so cli or ask for one with a HP and it be worth their while.
without building the relationship , they can't expect nice limits on future apps with the same lender. Sometimes the easy and quickest way to build a high limit card
is not always the best route. Please don't forget that your mi they payments are also recordered on your reports too and under manual review they can see that, and
yes a lot of chase apps go under manual review...... Everyone isn't able to get an instant approve like most. If they need to recon, at least by them building their
relationship and internal score, will give them some type of fire power.
@Anonymous wrote:Just got the Chase Freedom a couple days ago, Im wandering how long until they give me a credit line increase without a HP, Capital one gave me an increase from $500 to $4500 after 5 months and am wandering if Chase works the same way??
Thanks...first post here
11/2014 SL: $1,500
4/2015 Auto CLI: +$1,500 = $3000 CL
i sent them a secure msg after a month or two of getting the card asking if they could raise my limit without a hard pull as my uti was high and had to do multiple payments within the same billing period. i was told only with HP. so i declined. after maybe 3-4 mos, i saw an increase. so i guess it can't hurt to send them a msg every once in awhile asking for a SP CLI.
I don't really advocate the "open a new card and move limit around" thing unless you actually want a new card. That process involves a HP and AAOA ding with a new account reporting, so doing that just for a "CLI" seems like overkill.
If you really want a CLI, just request it. It's a HP, ok, but if you want the increase that's what you have to do. One HP with no AAOA ding is better than a HP + new account that you didn't even really want.
Chase has done SP CLIs for people, although it's on the rare side and nothing I would expect or count on. You do have the option to just wait and see what happens. The card's rewards are capped anyway.
@kdm31091 wrote:If you really want a CLI, just request it. It's a HP, ok, but if you want the increase that's what you have to do. One HP with no AAOA ding is better than a HP + new account that you didn't even really want.
@Closingracer99 wrote:
@ScoreOrBeScored wrote:Like I said , Chase has no cards Im Interested in at the moment so opening a new card
is not always the answer. I did just as good or better by asking for a cli and not opening a new
account. Everyone agenda isn't like yours.
You're also assuming you're going to get at least more than $5,000 CLI... Applying for the CSP or Marriott card will get you at LEAST $5,000 so you can simply apply for the card- wait 30 days and than move the whole limit to the freedom or move everything but $500 and close it. You can ask for a CLI but you can get a $500 increase or none at all. This is nothing about an agenda but just facts. Why bother with a HP when you don't have any possible clue in how much they will get you.
CR, the flaw in your argument is this:
By applying for a new card, you are asking, without a specific number in mind, for Chase to give you a "larger CL". This is a random request. It may give the OP something like $5k, it is less likely to get OP to $20k.
OP asked, outright, for a CL of $20,000. Chase responded...? With a $20k CL.
Seems like a pretty clear win for OP, no games necessary to try to "guess the next Starting CL". Sometimes it is best just to ask the bank, straight up in a business-like manner, for a CLI. Same reason I suggest people go into a bank branch in certain situations to talk with a person at the bank directly.
This does not negate the option of applying for another card, seeing what they give you, and moving that credit limit to an existing card that one wants a CLI for. They are two valid options to follow.
Congratulations OP, thanks for sharing.
People sure get intense about their credit cards and limits.
To add to the thread, I've had my Freedom since May of last year. No CLI. Don't care because, unlike some others, It doesn't matter to me if I have some lower limit cards.