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Can anybody tell me if this is solid.? Each card has a specific apr%. From what I have read here it’s solid, or go to branch. My score on chase account is 718.
It's very solid! You can also ask for offers in-branch and they may show the same, different or none, but it never hurts to go and ask!
Super solid. I used my offer when I was over 5/24 and was given a CSP with a $7000 limit which was my highest at the time.
That's the screenshot everyone here wishes they had of their Chase offers page.
I think I'll login just to see what mine looks like today...
Nope... still trying to get me into a mortgage or car loan.
@MrDisco99 wrote:Nope... still trying to get me into a mortgage or car loan.
Ha, at least you got those! For a year I only had some credit card processing terminal, lol.
Today I get mortgage/auto loan "invitation".
Absolutely 100% solid. DW just did it within the past half hour for a $27k CSP! And earlier this year, that's how I got my CSP and Slate cards. Just enter income, click that you agree to the terms, wait a few seconds and congrats on your approval.
Side note: @Poppa you have the most perfectly color-coordinated signature I've seen in a while.
@K-in-Boston wrote:Absolutely 100% solid. DW just did it within the past half hour for a $27k CSP! And earlier this year, that's how I got my CSP and Slate cards. Just enter income, click that you agree to the terms, wait a few seconds and congrats on your approval.
Its solid enough that I wish i could see some green dots.... Id like another Chase card but it doesnt seem to be in the cards... =)
@K-in-Boston wrote:Side note: @Poppa you have the most perfectly color-coordinated signature I've seen in a while.
It's funny how it worked out like that. At one point I had the purple Disco card, the CSP and a Slate card in the mix and they all looked good together.