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Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

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Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

I tried searching on the forums and didn't see this topic, but if I missed it please send me the discussion link and I'll dig further there Smiley Embarassed


As part of my credit rebuild I opened a BoA Bankamericard account to take advantage of the 0% BT and 0 fees promotion.  This was my first account with BoA in over 17 years, so they were a bit light on the SL... A couple months later I applied for and got a  VS rewards card with 7K SL. Is there any way the platinum MC could be upgraded to WMC or WEMC via a combination of limit reallocation and a CLI?


I know that I can re-allocate my smallish limit from the MC to the VS, except for $100 that would have to remain on the MC.  I'd be inclined to close the MC at that point.  Given the less than 2 months time difference between accounts, I'm not concerned about any effects on AAoA.


I've really enjoyed lurking the forums and am stoked to be able to post every once and a while here. Thanks for any advice.  Smiley Happy

Message 1 of 9
Legendary Contributor

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

Hi, any particular reason you want to do this? Are their benefits of those that you would actually use? Im just curious as for most people we dont use them but understand if you do or planned on doing so. Have you tried calling Boa and asking if you can do so?
Message 2 of 9
Not applicable

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

I like the purchase protections on the VS or WMC cards (see my post in Gardening as to why I'm in scramble mode this morning...) After paying the balance off on the MC, I don't really need the card.  There aren't any additional benefits and it's my lowest credit limit by far.  Both the BoA cards are no AF so I could easily SD the MC, but every other card I now have has some type of reward/incentive for me to continue using them.  Haven't called BoA yet.  The accounts aren't yet 6 months old and if BoA requires a minimum 5K to upgrade, I have to sit tight for now.

Message 3 of 9
Legendary Contributor

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

At least with Boa, their cli process should be making 5k abit easier to obtain eventually, going past 10 well make sure you make money lolSmiley Wink
Message 4 of 9
Not applicable

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

@Anonymous wrote:

I tried searching on the forums and didn't see this topic, but if I missed it please send me the discussion link and I'll dig further there Smiley Embarassed


As part of my credit rebuild I opened a BoA Bankamericard account to take advantage of the 0% BT and 0 fees promotion.  This was my first account with BoA in over 17 years, so they were a bit light on the SL... A couple months later I applied for and got a  VS rewards card with 7K SL. Is there any way the platinum MC could be upgraded to WMC or WEMC via a combination of limit reallocation and a CLI?


I know that I can re-allocate my smallish limit from the MC to the VS, except for $100 that would have to remain on the MC.  I'd be inclined to close the MC at that point.  Given the less than 2 months time difference between accounts, I'm not concerned about any effects on AAoA.


I've really enjoyed lurking the forums and am stoked to be able to post every once and a while here. Thanks for any advice.  Smiley Happy


@Anonymous wrote:

I like the purchase protections on the VS or WMC cards (see my post in Gardening as to why I'm in scramble mode this morning...) After paying the balance off on the MC, I don't really need the card.  There aren't any additional benefits and it's my lowest credit limit by far.  Both the BoA cards are no AF so I could easily SD the MC, but every other card I now have has some type of reward/incentive for me to continue using them.  Haven't called BoA yet.  The accounts aren't yet 6 months old and if BoA requires a minimum 5K to upgrade, I have to sit tight for now.

Your scores are fantastic.  You have $60k in CLs across all cards?  BOA will be very good to you.  Which VS rewards card did you get?  Was it the premier rewards card?  Bank of America cards are not useless once their intro period ends.  You will get BankAmerideals, recurrent BT promos anything from 0-1.99% APR for up to 2 years (usually 0% for 18 months 3% fee), the list goes on.  You can have a max of 4 bank of america cards.  You have 2.  They have a rule now: 

  • 2 cards per (rolling) 2 months
  • 3 cards per (rolling) 12 months
  • 4 cards per (rolling) 24 months

What is the default APR on each of these cards?  I have always found a way to gauge how BOA views me is their APR reductions (either auto or called in) etc.  So you could either wait until you see the Request an Increase link under either or both of your cards, or call in to their executive office (backdoor thread) after waiting a while.  Th enice thing about doing the request increase, that hard inquiry is good for 30 days, and it will be used almost always, for any new applications. 


I also know that you can convert the BankAmericard to a Cash Rewards card with just one phone call.  So if you somehow had preferred rewards and spent enough that would require a 2nd card to go over their caps, that would be helpful possibly?


I would say utlimately, with your scores, and what took place in this situation, seeing as how only 2 months went by between approvals, you could have circumvented the whole ordeal by just picking the one card that best matches your spend/needs. And then since you were not happy with the credit limit of the card, you could have just called a SR analyst/EO and got what you needed.


My Amtrak card is one of my favorite cards. I waited what seemed ages for it to be released (chase had discontinued it, until BOA took over).  I had scores good enough for BOA but not much history.  I was denied.  But I did not give up.  I did a recon on the app 2 times, and it did not help out.  What I did do instead was have my partner request an increase on their card, a TU HP, and then I reapplied with them as a cosigner, and that extra EX inquiry merged into my others for me, and was approved!  Ok.  I got in the door. I was not pleased. their highest APR, and a CL of 2100.  After a call in, I got the limit to 3800.  Within 6 months the account was separated, (again, partner requested increase on their primary card, as a separation is HP for both people I believe) and I also requested an increase, they countered and it was at 10 or 15k.  I think a year in, I got to the limit that works for me, 25k, and the apr is now 15% down from 24. No its not their lowest of 13.99 but its 1% away.  Since then I have added 3 more BOA cards, and they are one of my favorite issuers aside from a credit union!


Nothing is more frustrating when you are dealing with so many variables, and you end up with something that does not work for you on top of not growing with you as your needs change!


Off topic, but just curious what other cards/issuers you have, and what else may be on your radar?  Have you checked out Themanwhocan's charts in my signature?  Its a great page that covers everything from bonus spend category cards, to single digit fixed rate cards with no geo restricions, to places to get your scores for free!


Anyway congrats on the much larger 7k VS approval.  Don't fret over the much smaller limit for now on the one card just because it doesnt have the protections.  Your larger limit card has some nice protections and you will probably use it more for now anyway.  Also AFAIK, I have yet to see a WEMC by boa, but they def do WMC upgrades frequently and easily with CL >5k.  If you aren't getting a mortgage any time soon, I would be getting something to help save you money, with a sign on bonus, special offers etc.  Only thing a 850 score can do is go down. Wow you are gardening until may 2019. That is admirable and I wish I could say the same!

Message 5 of 9
Not applicable

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

Thank you for the thorough and exhaustive reply! Smiley Very Happy


Your post Smiley Happy


Your scores are fantastic.  You have $60k in CLs across all cards? 


Yes.  It feels invigorating to walk out each day with just 1 card, and that card has a higher limit than what my previous limits combined were for the last 20 years!  If only I had been smarter and gotten my act together sooner, I can only imagine how much further along I'd be right now...


BOA will be very good to you.  Which VS rewards card did you get?  Was it the premier rewards card?  Bank of America cards are not useless once their intro period ends.  You will get BankAmerideals, recurrent BT promos anything from 0-1.99% APR for up to 2 years (usually 0% for 18 months 3% fee), the list goes on.  You can have a max of 4 bank of america cards.  You have 2.  They have a rule now: 

  • 2 cards per (rolling) 2 months
  • 3 cards per (rolling) 12 months
  • 4 cards per (rolling) 24 months

The VS is the Cash Rewards card.


What is the default APR on each of these cards?  I have always found a way to gauge how BOA views me is their APR reductions (either auto or called in) etc.  So you could either wait until you see the Request an Increase link under either or both of your cards, or call in to their executive office (backdoor thread) after waiting a while.  Th enice thing about doing the request increase, that hard inquiry is good for 30 days, and it will be used almost always, for any new applications. 


MC is 16.99%  VS is 17.99%   BoA pulled Experian, like everybody else, for the VS.  If only they pulled EQ or TU!  Additional background: I had a savings account with BoA over 20 years ago and a CC with a very small limit ($300 maybe?)  I never used the card and BoA closed that account.  I found a credit union with no fees or minimums and a better APR.  I closed the BoA savings account about 17 years ago because it wasn't serving my needs.  No negatives/derogatories, but I'm sure they underwrote me for my teenage years...


I also know that you can convert the BankAmericard to a Cash Rewards card with just one phone call.  So if you somehow had preferred rewards and spent enough that would require a 2nd card to go over their caps, that would be helpful possibly?


I would say utlimately, with your scores, and what took place in this situation, seeing as how only 2 months went by between approvals, you could have circumvented the whole ordeal by just picking the one card that best matches your spend/needs. And then since you were not happy with the credit limit of the card, you could have just called a SR analyst/EO and got what you needed.


At the time I had paid off all of my other credit debt except for one lowly, what I presume was at one point Providian, account with a 29.99% APR.  BoA sent me a mail solicitation with the MC offer.  It did not have a set APR.  This was before I really started following the forums and should've known better!  I will say that the card filled the purpose I needed at the time and I do not regret having applied for it.  Except for the small CL that thankfully covered the BT.  I thought that BoA only did HPs for CLIs, so I figured if I'm going to get an HP, might as well apply for a new TL!  Now I stand corrected.


My Amtrak card is one of my favorite cards. I waited what seemed ages for it to be released (chase had discontinued it, until BOA took over).  I had scores good enough for BOA but not much history.  I was denied.  But I did not give up.  I did a recon on the app 2 times, and it did not help out.  What I did do instead was have my partner request an increase on their card, a TU HP, and then I reapplied with them as a cosigner, and that extra EX inquiry merged into my others for me, and was approved!  Ok.  I got in the door. I was not pleased. their highest APR, and a CL of 2100.  After a call in, I got the limit to 3800.  Within 6 months the account was separated, (again, partner requested increase on their primary card, as a separation is HP for both people I believe) and I also requested an increase, they countered and it was at 10 or 15k.  I think a year in, I got to the limit that works for me, 25k, and the apr is now 15% down from 24. No its not their lowest of 13.99 but its 1% away.  Since then I have added 3 more BOA cards, and they are one of my favorite issuers aside from a credit union!


You provide some lofty aspirations for me.  I can only hope that I can have a similar experience!


Nothing is more frustrating when you are dealing with so many variables, and you end up with something that does not work for you on top of not growing with you as your needs change!


Off topic, but just curious what other cards/issuers you have, and what else may be on your radar?  Have you checked out Themanwhocan's charts in my signature?  Its a great page that covers everything from bonus spend category cards, to single digit fixed rate cards with no geo restricions, to places to get your scores for free!


Thanks for plugging the chart, I will take a look.  I have cards with American Express, Barclaycard, Capital One, Chase, Citi and Discover.


Anyway congrats on the much larger 7k VS approval.  Don't fret over the much smaller limit for now on the one card just because it doesnt have the protections.  Your larger limit card has some nice protections and you will probably use it more for now anyway.  Also AFAIK, I have yet to see a WEMC by boa, but they def do WMC upgrades frequently and easily with CL >5k.  If you aren't getting a mortgage any time soon, I would be getting something to help save you money, with a sign on bonus, special offers etc.  Only thing a 850 score can do is go down. Wow you are gardening until may 2019. That is admirable and I wish I could say the same!


After my recent spree that decimated the EX FICO, I'm gardening until the last new account's 0% APR has run its course.  Initially I was only going to wait 6 months, but I've been very happy and pleasantly surprised with the last couple months of TL growth.  I'll certainly take your profound advise and work towards a WMC with them in 2018.

Message 6 of 9
Credit Mentor

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

@Anonymous wrote:

I tried searching on the forums and didn't see this topic, but if I missed it please send me the discussion link and I'll dig further there Smiley Embarassed


As part of my credit rebuild I opened a BoA Bankamericard account to take advantage of the 0% BT and 0 fees promotion.  This was my first account with BoA in over 17 years, so they were a bit light on the SL... A couple months later I applied for and got a  VS rewards card with 7K SL. Is there any way the platinum MC could be upgraded to WMC or WEMC via a combination of limit reallocation and a CLI?


I know that I can re-allocate my smallish limit from the MC to the VS, except for $100 that would have to remain on the MC.  I'd be inclined to close the MC at that point.  Given the less than 2 months time difference between accounts, I'm not concerned about any effects on AAoA.


I've really enjoyed lurking the forums and am stoked to be able to post every once and a while here. Thanks for any advice.  Smiley Happy

@Anonymous gave a great reply, but I'm not sure if the question you posed was answered.  Forgive me for being redundant if it was!


As long as the card type is eligible for Visa Signature or World/World Elite MasterCard, yes it can be changed with a phone call as long as the credit line is $5,000 or greater.  Card like Cash Rewards (or other 3-2-1 cards) and Travel Rewards would certainly be eligible and many of the cobranded ones like Alaska Airlines.  DW has a card with a $70k limit that is not eligible due to the card type.  The standard BankAmericard is also not eligible.  You can of course always product change (likely with a corresponding APR increase due to the benefits structure) to make it happen.  Either way, a call will get it done.  BoA can be a bit slow to process and send out a replacement card when doing a PC or V-to-VS type change, but it should be reflected on your online account (and any corresponding benefits or rewards structures) within a matter of days.

Message 7 of 9
Not applicable

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

@K-in-Boston wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

I tried searching on the forums and didn't see this topic, but if I missed it please send me the discussion link and I'll dig further there Smiley Embarassed


As part of my credit rebuild I opened a BoA Bankamericard account to take advantage of the 0% BT and 0 fees promotion.  This was my first account with BoA in over 17 years, so they were a bit light on the SL... A couple months later I applied for and got a  VS rewards card with 7K SL. Is there any way the platinum MC could be upgraded to WMC or WEMC via a combination of limit reallocation and a CLI?


I know that I can re-allocate my smallish limit from the MC to the VS, except for $100 that would have to remain on the MC.  I'd be inclined to close the MC at that point.  Given the less than 2 months time difference between accounts, I'm not concerned about any effects on AAoA.


I've really enjoyed lurking the forums and am stoked to be able to post every once and a while here. Thanks for any advice.  Smiley Happy

@Anonymous gave a great reply, but I'm not sure if the question you posed was answered.  Forgive me for being redundant if it was!


As long as the card type is eligible for Visa Signature or World/World Elite MasterCard, yes it can be changed with a phone call as long as the credit line is $5,000 or greater.  Card like Cash Rewards (or other 3-2-1 cards) and Travel Rewards would certainly be eligible and many of the cobranded ones like Alaska Airlines.  DW has a card with a $70k limit that is not eligible due to the card type.  The standard BankAmericard is also not eligible.  You can of course always product change (likely with a corresponding APR increase due to the benefits structure) to make it happen.  Either way, a call will get it done.  BoA can be a bit slow to process and send out a replacement card when doing a PC or V-to-VS type change, but it should be reflected on your online account (and any corresponding benefits or rewards structures) within a matter of days.

oh yes you are correct i meant to say after conversion to CR/TR. Good catch! thanks!

Message 8 of 9
Not applicable

Re: Is it possible to upgrade a BoA Platinum Mastercard to World or World Elite?

Message 9 of 9
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