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congrats! what are your fico's
T--Rev wrote:I currently have a Chase MC and had applied on-line for a Chase Disney Visa due to an up-and-coming trip. I was given the 'we need additional time to process... and will get back to you' message on-line. Low-and-behold I received a call at work 2 weeks ago from Chase regarding my request. A very nice lady verified my info, asked about my income, went over my current outstanding debt and asked what my plan was to take care of them and then said she would approve me for a card and to expect it in 7-10 days... cards arrived yesterday with a $2K CL, 0% for 6 months, no fees... I had expected to receive the customary rejection letter but was pleasantly surprised
javi84 wrote:
I applied for a Discover card Monday night and got that message. I got a call from Discover last night. They wanted to know if I had a mortgage (I don't), if I had a cell phone (I do and she wanted to call me at my cell phone to verify, strange), if I was a legal resident or citizen (legal resident) then she approved me for $4000 limit with 0% interest for 12 months.