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@Anonymous wrote:
Thank u isislc i did go to that site i have applied for 2 so far at 2 different places let me wait and c if i actually get them or not. and for princessofpink yes i am kinda desperate (reason) is i have neglected my credit in the past and beggars can't be chooser's right?? hh but i do agree with u thank u very much..
nikkoslilmouse wrote:you could also try they have a fee that is charged to the card but it has worked great for us and my husband even got a credit limit increase after having the card for only 4 month. I am still waiting on mineLOL I have not had mine but 3 months but I love it even though it is a low limit. I can make my payment on line with out any fees
Wow, this is the first time I've seen a decade-old thread bumped up!