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@Creditfan1234 wrote:
I am trying to figure out what Bill Pay directly provided by your FI pain points are or things you enjoy.
What do you like or dislike about your bank or credit unions bill pay service?
Do you use eBills?
Have you found other third party apps or websites to pay bills that work better then the one provided by your FI?
I just opened a new credit union account and found their bill pay service to be very different from my previous one and I am struggling to adjust.
Please share your thoughts or recommedations.
I like LMCU bill pay the most. It has clear and very simple UI. I can't stand Penfed Bill Pay due to scrolling that's required with it. Alliant does not support ebills so it's just uselss imo. Then comes another issue, most companies don't send ebills. And 1/3 of my credit cards does not support ebills either.
Depending where you live (CA, CO, or AZ) FirstBank is a great FI in general and I really love their bill pay. I get ebills from literally all of my bills with the exception of my HOA and the city. All utilities and CC bills are all ebilled, literally 2 clicks and I pay it from the app. The web interface also totals all your expenditures for bills which helps keep track of budgeting.
I would think most regional smaller banks/CUs would offer similar compatability with local utilities.
If you happen not to be in those 3 states, schwab bill pay also seems fairly convenient and no ATM fees.