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Schwab Brokerage Account questions

Credit Mentor

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

@tacpoly wrote:

I’m a minimalist when it comes to number of accounts so I’m wondering if you already have an account with Fidelity, why do you want one with Schwab?  They pretty much offer the same things as far as I know. 


Having an account(s) with Schwab also makes one eligible for the Schwab Platinum Amex, which many around here are interested in.

Message 11 of 49
Super Contributor

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

@UncleB wrote:

@tacpoly wrote:

I’m a minimalist when it comes to number of accounts so I’m wondering if you already have an account with Fidelity, why do you want one with Schwab?  They pretty much offer the same things as far as I know. 


Having an account(s) with Schwab also makes one eligible for the Schwab Platinum Amex, which many around here are interested in.

Logging into Fidelity can also be tricky if the market suddenly drops 1% or 2%. Everyone wants to check their stocks, so the effect is like that of a DDoS attack.


That said, my sample size for Schwab login attempts at volatile times is fairly small, so I can't say Schwab isn't as susceptible, or that Fidelity hasn't recently made some improvement.

Personal spend: Amex Gold, Amex Schwab Plat., BofA PR+CCR(x2), Costco
Business use: Amex Bus. Plat., BBP, Lowes Amex AU, CFU AU
Perks: Delta Plat., United Explorer, IHG49, Hyatt, "Old SPG"
Mostly SD: Freedom Flex, Freedom, Arrival
Upgrade/Downgrade games: ED, BCE
SUB chasing: AA Platinum Select
Message 12 of 49
Frequent Contributor

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

It was a HP for sure, probably EQ.


This is my only brokerage account and I think it's amazing tbh. I got it to get their checking account which has the best debit card IMHO.


Just make sure you get it with a referral to get the 100$ Smiley Happy

Current open cards:
Schwab Amex Platinum (NPSL); Amex Gold (NPSL); HH Aspire ($31,700); Amex BBP ($27,000); HSBC Premier WMC ($21,500); USB Altitude Reserve ($20,000); USB Altitude Reserve ($10,000); WF Bilt MC ($9,400); Chase Freedom ($7,300), BofA Premium Rewards ($5,000); Apple Card ($4,750); BofA Alaska Visa ($4,200); USB Altitude Go ($1,000)

Started collecting cards: Oct/2018
Message 13 of 49
Not applicable

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

The referral has been changed. It now requires deposit for tiered bonus. HP EQ in June, opened checking and saving combo w/ 1 HP.
Message 14 of 49
Moderator Emeritus

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

@UncleB wrote:

@tacpoly wrote:

I’m a minimalist when it comes to number of accounts so I’m wondering if you already have an account with Fidelity, why do you want one with Schwab?  They pretty much offer the same things as far as I know. 


Having an account(s) with Schwab also makes one eligible for the Schwab Platinum Amex, which many around here are interested in.

@UncleB you read my mind so well Smiley Tongue.  Long term plan

Message 15 of 49
Credit Mentor

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

@CreditCuriosity wrote:

@UncleB wrote:

@tacpoly wrote:

I’m a minimalist when it comes to number of accounts so I’m wondering if you already have an account with Fidelity, why do you want one with Schwab?  They pretty much offer the same things as far as I know. 


Having an account(s) with Schwab also makes one eligible for the Schwab Platinum Amex, which many around here are interested in.

@UncleB you read my mind so well Smiley Tongue.  Long term plan

Great minds think alike!  Smiley Very Happy


I actually have this in mind as an 'exit strategy' if I ever decide that MRs just don't/can't work for me and I need a way to exit the ecosystem.

Message 16 of 49
Valued Member

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

Schwab did a hard pull when I opened a brokerage and checking account with them in 2006. A decade later, when I opened an Intelligent Portfolios account with them, they did another hard pull. I find this practice annoying. Other brokers don't do this.

Message 17 of 49
Moderator Emeritus

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

So unfrooze my CRAs all of them for the weekend to open the Schwab brokerage account.  Was suprised it wasnt instant approved, not sure if this is normal just did a transfer of initially $25 to open it then will shift more money over to it when fully approved.  Have other people ran into the following "pending" message recently opening just a brokerage account, found it a bit strange...Chatted with them and they said it is normal and should be lifted within one business day, we shall see..Also not sure if they did a SP or HP yet on EQ as have no real time monitoring on that CRA and CK doesnt refresh till monday.  Hopefully they got it as the freeze goes back on sunday night


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Message 18 of 49
Credit Mentor

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

@CreditCuriosity   CK has real time data as far as EQ HP goes. If it's not there, it hasn't happened, or at least not yet. 

Message 19 of 49
Moderator Emeritus

Re: Schwab Brokerage Account questions

@Remedios wrote:

@CreditCuriosity   CK has real time data as far as EQ HP goes. If it's not there, it hasn't happened, or at least not yet. 

@Remedios you are correct check CK no hp on EQ also back doored into EQ and no HP or SP from them.. Strange.  Might need to extend my security unfreeze until wednesday to be safe?  as known to use EQ.

Message 20 of 49
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