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I had an old TWC account that was reported to CA--EOS CCA early in 2017. I contacted TWC immediately and paid in full because they told me that if I did, they would recall it from the collection agency. My account was for only $95, and it was for equipment that was not returned. I started in december 2017 trying to figure out why it was still not removed from my credit reports. called and called and called. About once per week, I would contact Spectrum and ask to speak with their TWC legacy billing department. I finally found someone that said that they could have it removed for me. They said that they found the notes on my account where the account was paid in full for the missing equipment, and that their Equipment Library department found my equipment. They sent up 2 separate escalation tickets to have my $91 returned to me. Finally received the check in the mail last Friday. But, for some reason, the tickets that were escalated to remove from credit reports were denied. Finally, after exhausting all of my resources and speaking to numerous other supervisors, they told me that there was nothing else that they could do. So, I searched for the CEOs office. I sent emails to about 4 folks on their executive team including the CEO. I received a phone call just hours after sending the emial. They stated that they would create an escalated ticket to have this investigated by the Billing/Credit Reporting Departments. When the Billing/Credit Reporting department contacted me by telephone, I explained the situation. She stated that at the time that the account was reported to the CA, their reported information was correct. Therefore, there was nothing that they could do. I pleaded with here, and explained that of course it was valid at the time, but that she should read the account notes about their Equipment Library department located my equipment during an inventory approximately a year after it was sent to collections. She placed me on hold for several minutes and came back on the line to tell me that she was having this removed. I should receive a letter from the collection agency in approximately a week that states that the account has been resolved and will be removed from the credit reports. And, that it will be removed from my reports in approximately 30 days.
I can't wait to get that letter in the mail. I'll believe it when I see it.
If you dont mind me asking, how did you get the repos removed?
@Anonymouswrote:If you dont mind me asking, how did you get the repos removed?
They finally aged off early last year. Thankfully! Sorry I can't be any more help than that!
I've recently had more success.
I emailed CEOs office for Spectrum about a month ago after being told that my TWC collections account would not be pulled back from the credit bureaus. They called and told me that it was valid at the time it reported and couldn't be removed. It would remain. So, I explained to the executive in the billing department exactly what happened. Finally, they agreed that it should and would be removed. I'm waiting to receive the letter from the collections agency and for Equifax to remove it. Equifax is the last reporting on this account.
I contacted TU and did an EE on an old NFCU unpaid charge off. It was removed.
I contacted Experian regarding doing an EE on the same NFCU unpaid charge off. They say it's listed to come off in April, and that if I was within 30 days of it falling off that they would remove it. I'll call them back on this one on March 1st.
For some reason, Transunion has been the only CB reporting my auto loan since I purchased it about this time last year. I've notied that they recently began reporting to Equifax as well. So, that was worth a few points.
No child support is reporting on Experian any longer. I haven't been late in quite some time. I'm sure that's helping on the other CRAs.
So, today i pulled my 3 bureau from Experian.
Updated scores in signature. My first 700+ score since starting this turd hunt some time ago.
EX 659, EQ 696, TU 729
So happy about this!!
Can't wait to close on the house on March 23, 2018, and then run some apps.
Thanks for everyone's help with my rebuilding. I've definitely found a credit education here!