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So you've drafted your GW letter, you've proof read it, you've made your husband, sister, aunt, and the family dog all check it for accuracy, you've posted on the many forums asking for advice, and now finally, you have your letter all ready to go. You send it to the address the credit card company has for "Cardmember servcies" and happily wait for a reply. 1...2...3 weeks pass by now you either have gotten no reply, or even better, have gotten a generic letter sent back telling you that A. They can't do it, B. They can't do it, and C. They can't do it. Why did this happen? The first mistake was sending it to "Cardmember services", this set group of employees (and sometimes computers) sole purpose is to help with common everyday problems, I've lost my card, My payment wasn't received, I'm done with this $%# card cancel it, and other mundane problems that arise in the business. You have to get your letter into the right hands and read by the right people. These people are typically senior agents, not front line customer service agents and their supervisors. How do you get to these senior officials? Glad you asked.
2. Google it:
3. Use a coporate directory:
4. Email guessing
5. Other means:
I wish you the best of luck on your journeys through credit repair. Look out for my other guides based on other topics of credit repair.
If you have any tips, comments, corrections, or improvements don't hesitate to post in thread of PM me on Myfico.
Cheers! Induction.
Great Post! Good information. I'm going to bookmark it and refer this post to others needing to get their bearings in the world of GW'sI.
Hey so, what's your advice on GW'ing a local CA? I have 2 local CA's reporting medical collections that are paid. I've begged, pleaded, cried. Both of them REFUSE to budge using the ol "We must protect the integrity of the report" line. I have written GW letter after GW letter. One GW letter was SO AMAZING I had the City Manager call the CA to tell them to remove the account, and the CA told them NO! You'd think the CA would want to continue good business with the City. The City manager was pretty PO'd that they wouldn't help me. The other CA says they are continuing to report because "their clients" want them to.
There is no one else for me to write to. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Greetings Induction & GREAT post! That is exactly the advice I give people...go for the top when you are sending GW's I usually go for the CFO. Just a couple things to add to your list:
Over the last few years, I have researched names for many many companies & here on my home laptop, I have a special folder for just these names. You just never know when one might come in handy. I think I have a current list of about 30 names.
@Booner72 wrote:Great Post! Good information. I'm going to bookmark it and refer this post to others needing to get their bearings in the world of GW'sI.
Hey so, what's your advice on GW'ing a local CA? I have 2 local CA's reporting medical collections that are paid. I've begged, pleaded, cried. Both of them REFUSE to budge using the ol "We must protect the integrity of the report" line. I have written GW letter after GW letter. One GW letter was SO AMAZING I had the City Manager call the CA to tell them to remove the account, and the CA told them NO! You'd think the CA would want to continue good business with the City. The City manager was pretty PO'd that they wouldn't help me. The other CA says they are continuing to report because "their clients" want them to.
There is no one else for me to write to. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I have had the several CA's pull the "moral integrity" bit. I usually turned that around and made them verify each and every charge, provide statements, use the FCRA and the FACT act bringing up many clauses in the card holder agreement and important notices and procedures that needed to be done. Most CA's thought I was crazy, gave up, and removed it from my report. Basically, make them eat their words by insuring that the tradeline is being reported completely correct and they that they have the paperwork to prove it, which is the "morally" correct thing to do. Good luck!
UPDATED as of 9/11/2011.