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I sent two out last week, and it was using the template that I found on this forum.
What I got back in the mail today, was a computer print out that only lists their client name, the amount owed, what was paid on the account, as well as the "date" the account went delinquent. Is this sufficient "verification"? On one of the accounts (water bill), they list a date of delinquency as a time when I was not living in the unit (this is the reason for the dispute). 2 years ago, I paid the water company so it would be removed from my credit and the amount was small ($58).The water company removed this from my credit file but the CA company still lists on my report.
The other is a medical bill for my son that my ex was court ordered to pay, but did not. Since this is medical, and it would take more than the $400 that the bill is for, to take him back to court and have him pay it, should I just pay and then send the HIPPA forms/information to have them delete?
I am so frustated with this company but I am wondering what would be the best way to go, to get my score boosted.
sidewinder wrote:
If the water bill is paid, why was a PFD letter sent?
@Anonymous wrote:
If the water bill is paid, why was a PFD letter sent?
I didnt send them a PFD for that. I am guessing they pulled up my name and listed all accounts with them?
I sent the OC a GW asking that they contact the collection agency to remove since it was an error on their part.
@llecs wrote:
If I understand everything, you sent a PFD of sorts to the OC and they removed with a payment. The CA is still reporting, right? They can continue to report $0 (because the PFD wasn't with them) and can't report a balance because it is paid. If this is the case, a GW to the CA is the best option.
How would I format a GW letter to a CA? I have no payment history with them and have already sent a PFD regarding another account.
@llecs wrote:
Just reread your post. If you have another OC account with the same CA, I'd wait until they respond to the PFD. If after a few non-responses, then I'd probably send the GW.
Thank You.
Another question, how many PFD letters are "enough"?