To help all of our myFICO Fitness Challengers stay focused on these goals, we came up with the following special signature that will enable you to share your goals and your progress with the entire myFICO Forums community throughout the year:
Starting Score: 800
Current Score: 800
Goal Score: 850
Take the myFICO Fitness Challenge!
To add this siggy, copy and paste the following HTML into the Signature box on your Personal Profile page (My Settings=>Personal Profile=>Personal Information), and replace the Starting Score, Current Score, and Goal Score (in red) with your own:
<img align="left" border="0" width="50" height="50" src=""><font size="1">Starting Score:</font><font size="1"><b> 700</b><br><font size="1">Current Score:</font><b> 800</b><br><font size="1">Goal Score:</font><b> 850</b></font><br><br><font size="1"><a href="" target="_blank">Take the myFICO Fitness Challenge</a></font>
Good luck to all of our myFICO Fitness Challengers!