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yoreljm wrote:One thing that I think was helping me is the fact that my charge off was sold to another creditor, and the balance was aritificially showing up as $0 on Equifax, and "unkown" on Experian. I dont know how the score is calculated, but I just assumed that if I can make the balances $0 for real, it will be good for my credit score.Basically, even though chargeoff suck, they are not the end of the world!Over the past month, I made some changes: I removed myself from 3 of the accounts that I asked to be put on; I opened 3 credit card accounts in my own name; I took out a secured loan; and I paid off the charge-off. I'm just waiting to seem my credit score plunge! But I'm sure it will start to get better as the dust settles.
kjack357 wrote:Drew, see if you can pay for a deletion, i started my credit repair May of 2006 i have had no fewer than 4 CA's settle for that, some say they cant but if you are persistant it is amazing what they can actually do. by the way i have raised my fico score over 100 pts since May of 2006. see this link, its a good site for repairing your credit.kjack357
kjack357 wrote:you know man thats hard to say, i guess some of the factors are who is the CAhow old the collection is etc.etc., but have you tried the debt validation method ?That's a good question, but I'm not sure I want to waste time doing that. All my accounts have been in collections for less than a year and are originally owned by Chase, Wal-Mart, Bill Me Later, etc. So, I'm thinking that because of the accounts ages, the collection agencies are probably assigned to collect the debt and not junk buyers. What are your thoughts?
kjack357 wrote:i can tell you Chase is pretty meticulous with records, others i have no experience with. Midland Credit Management, LVNV Funding , Regent And Ass. i have sucessfully used PFD. You can dispute easily on line, cost you nothing but time and you may be suprised by your results.By the way what are your FICO scores ?