Even if you get your card
"de-Signaturized" "de-Worlded", it will probably still not report and be counted in util because its CL is so high. I have gotten tangled up as to whether it's $40K or $50K, but one of those is the threshhold to no longer report.
If you don't see it counting in your util, etc., you might want to drop the CL to $49K and see if it pops back up.
Congrats! Always good to hear from people with long-term relationships being treated nicely.
edit to add: thanks, D_Boone! I knew something looked wrong about my post, but I couldn't figure what it was.

Message Edited by haulingthescoreup on
09-12-2008 03:15 PM
* Credit is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. * Who's the boss --you or your credit?
FICO's: EQ 781 - TU 793 - EX 779 (from PSECU) - Done credit hunting; having fun with credit gardening. - EQ 590 on 5/14/2007