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We filed CH13 in March 2012, we were discharged in May of 2014, all complete.
A certain credit union in WA state (Not BECU) was given the car back as part of our CH 13 in April 2012 (they came and picked it up April 30th, 2012).
They were given no money for the car through CH13, it was secured debt and was taken care of by returning the car. All my Ch13 paperwork shows ZERO owed, debt settled.
They marked it as a Charge Off for about 12 months between 2014 and 2015 (they got teh car back in April 2012 remember)
It now shows ZERO balance, closed IIB, but still shows charge off on those dozen or so months.
Today I got an alert from CCT and Experian that I had a LATE payment to this credit union in July 2016...
I don thave an accout with them...
Yes, I know I can dispute and spend my time doing all this (AGAIN)... I've already disupted the IIB part as they were being difficult with that....
But now they are markgin a LATE payment... and I dont have an accoutn with them, and havent for years...
When it was included in out CH13, all derrogatory marks on credit should of ceased, no charge off markigns (randonly) later... especially no LATE payments...
Whats a guy to do...
Really had it with this credit union... I'm a few days away from emailing the CEO directly with all my documentation (found his email addy online).
You can always send a nice, un heated letter to the CEO and or Board of Directors (usually you can find this via google or on their site) about your issues etc and they will generally tend to see it gets resolved.
So after disputing this twice electronically...
- 1st time they "fixed it" but changed the 12 or so "charge offs" to "late's"
- 2nd time they changed all the "lates back to charge offs"
- Then in July they added a 30 day late to my record
(Keep in mind I gave the car back as part of CH13 in March of 2012, discharged March 2016)
I disputed this "late" and all the others in writing with full documentation to the CRA.
They didnt fix it...
Instead they changed the July 2016 Late to "Charge Off"
Contacted a Lawyer
-Lawyer said you have a case, but i'm too busy to assist right now.
Contacted NCUA
Said it wasnt anything they can do, as they don't handle stuff at that level.
NCUA said to contact my state "department of financial institutions"
the DFI set a letter with all my documentation asking them to reply in 21 days.
I waited nearly 3 weeks, and called them yesterday.
Got a CSR, kindly asked to be transferred to her supervisor as I didnt want to explain all the above twice.
She put me on hold, and came back saying I needed to submit my credit report in writtign to them and explain what was incorrect...
I asked that we not play middle man, and that she transfer me to her supervisor.
She transferred me to the Collections Supervisor...
After a very brief and gruff hello, she went on to explain -
" We received your letter the other day (one from DFI). We have been fixing this everytime you have disputed. The CRA is not accepting the codes we are sending. Given that, we will be deleting the Tradeline completely."
So, after multiple phone calls, 2 online disputes, one written dispute, NCUA and State DFI, and another phone call... This should be fixed in the next 30 days... Or whenever it gets deleted from Experian...
We shall see.