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she has house ( its in his name then hers)
He has truck ( its in his name and hers)
Both have to get other spouses name removed. via refinance
He is wanting to file BK on all the credit cards and keep the truck and his motor cycle. Should he try to refinance the truck before or after filing for BK? His credit is shot now but all the CC's and the house will be included in debt to income and held against him or wait and file BK , so they are not included and the BK will be the one thing hurting his credit.
Either way he will prob need a co-signer but im not sure if its best to do the BK first or wait .
Any insight would be great so I can help guide him down the correct path .
Prolly best to refinance after the bk7 has completed. But it is gonna hard either way because the credit is bad already. At least after the bk7 everything will report 0 balances but included in bankruptcy.
As far as including it with a cosigner. It shouldnt affect them because they are not filing .
My ex wife filed a bk7 back in 2014 and we were joint on two mortgages. I was and still am paying both mortgages. It never reported on my reports as included in bankruptcy and I was told by her attorney that I would be fine.
He needs to consult his attorney. I don’t see how filing bankruptcy with her name as a co-signer is even an option.
Ex wife will not be the co-signer.. he is needing to refinance to get her name off the truck per the divorce agreement and she is to refinance and get his name off the house.
A friend or Family member will be his co-signer